said town, and all and any reputed common prostitutes, and
all common disturbers of the peace, and such ordinance may
describe and define what shall constitute a common disturber
of the peace, and by ordinance to forbid and punish all pro-
fane, indecent and obscene language in the hearing or in the
presence of other persons within the corporate limits.
Obstruction of
streets, alleys,
(15.) To declare and adjudge, by order entered in the
minute book, any encroachment on or any continuing obstruc-
tion of any of said streets, lanes, alleys or thoroughfares to be
a public nuisance, and to order the same to be corrected or
removed, at the expense of the parties or persons who brought
about or placed the encroachment or obstruction thereon, or
who uses or takes advantage thereof, or who are responsible
for the continuance thereof, or who by their connection there-
with are the parties or persons who ought to correct or remove
same; the Commissioners to be entitled to decide whose
duty it is to correct or remove it, and on the refusal or failure
of the person ordered to correct or remove said encroachment
or obstruction, to remove or have the same removed, at the
charge and expense of the parties or persons so ordered, or to
correct and remove the same, with the right on the part of
the Commissioners to sue for and recover the amounts of such
expense in an action at law without relieving the said parties
or persons from criminal prosecution.
Vicious dogs.
(16.) To prohibit the keeping of any vicious or dangerous
dog in said town, by order noted on the minute book and
served on the owner, reputed owner, or controlling occupant
of the premises where the animal is kept, and direct such dog
to be killed or to be sent out of the county, if not immediately
removed, on receiving notice of the order, and also to pre-
scribe penalties for keeping of such dog in the town after such
Prohibit the
running at
large of horses,
(17.) To restrain and prohibit, by ordinance, the running at
large of horses, bulls, cows, sheep, goats, on any of the
streets, lanes, alleys, or thoroughfares of said town, and to
prescribe penalties for violating such ordinance or ordinances,
and to forbid by ordinance the keeping of swine in said town,
and to prescribe penalties for the violation of such ordinance.
against fire.
(18.) To regulate and prescribe by ordinance, as a protection
against fire, whether houses built or erected in said town
shall be built of wood or other materials, and to prescribe
in what parts and sections thereof buildings of wood may be
erected, and in what parts or sections of the same buildings
of wood shall not be erected, and to prescribe penalties for