street; thence with ditch and branch N. 35° 55' E. 6 1/2 perches,
N. 15° 25' E. 28 perches and N. 26° 25' E. 12 perches to a
stone marked "Cambridge No. 4," standing about one perch
to the north of the county road from Cambridge to East New
Market; thence still down the branch between the land known
as "Peach Blossom," and the land owned by Captain Perry
W. Moore, N. 25° 35' E. 6 perches, N. 25' E. 43 perches and
N. 10° 25' W. 12 perches to Cambridge Creek; thence N. 43°
25' E. 26 8-10 perches across said creek to its westward side;
thence N. 2° 35' W. 17 7-10 perches to the centre of Cemetery
avenue; thence crossing Cambridge Creek, on a line parallel
with Maryland avenue, in East Cambridge, S. 68° 35' E. 106
8-10 perches to a stone with an octagonal-shaped top, planted
in the centre of the county road through East Cambridge, as
said road was laid out; thence with the center of said road
and with the line dividing the lands of John Hirst and William
M. Fletcher, N. 13° 50' E. 156 perches to Choptank River,
and on in the same direction to the middle of said river, then
down the middle of said river to a point where a line N. 41°
20' E. from the beginning would intersect; thence with a
straight line to the beginning.