Baltimore County — Academic Fund......................................................
Res. 34 of 1831, clips. 128 of
1864 and 406 of 1898.......
Calvert Countv — Academic Fund.......................................................
Clips. 105 of 1854, 128 of 1864
and 406 of 1898 .............
1,200 00
Caroline County— Academic Fund........................................................
Res. 34 of 1831, chps. 128 of
1864 and 406 of 1898.......
I.200 00
Carroll County — Academic Fund...........................................................
Cecil County — Elkton and West Nottingham Academies and North
Chps. 279 of 1890 and 406 of 1898
200 00
East Classical Seminary ...............................................................
" 88 of 1870 and 406 of 1898
1,200 00
Charles County — Academic Fund.......................................................
" 128 of 1864 and 406 of 1898
400 00
Dorchester County— Cambridge, Hast New Market and Vienna Acad-
emies and Cambridge tFemale Seminary.........................................
Res. 34 of 1831 chps. 201 of
1858, 339 of 1878 and 406
Frederick County — Frederick College, St. John's Literary Institu-
of 1898.............. .
1, 600 00
" 1 of 1832, chps. 35 of 1840,
107 of 1798 and 406 of 1898
1,200 00
Garrett County — Academic Fund.......................................................
Chps. 176 of 1874 and 406 of 1898
1,200 00
Harford County — Harford County, Darlington and Havre de Grace
Academies and Academic Fund.......................................................
" 183 of 1868, 78 of 1870, 173 of
1890, 347 of 1896 £406 of '98
1,500 00
Howard County — Academic Fund ....... ...........................................
" 128 of 1864, 242 of 1870
and 406 of 1898.
Kent County — Shrewsbury and Millington Academies..........................
Res. 25 of 1839 and 406 of 1898,
300 00
Montgomery County — Brookville Academy..........................................
Prince George's County — Upper Marlborough" Academy and Aca-
" 84 of 1834, clips. 310 of
1858 and 406 of 1898.........
600 00
Chps. 204 of 1835, 128 of 1864
Oueen Anne's County — Church Hill, Centreville Academies and Aca-
and 406 of 1898 ...............
1,200 00
demic Fund...................................................................................
Res. 72 of 1835, chps.128 of 1864,
299 of 1890 and 406 of 1898.
1,200 00
St Mary's County Academic Fund and Charlotte Hall.......................
Chps. 128 of 1864, 321 and 406 of
Somerset County — Academic Fund, Washington and Fairmount Acad-
" 281 of 1846, 128 of 1864,
419 of 1870 and 406 of 1898.
1,400 00
Carried forward ........................................................................
$25,400 00
$98,237 90