For the salaries of the Chief Judges of the first seven judi-
cial circuits, four thousand five hundred dollars each, thirty-
one thousand five hundred dollars; for the salaries of the four-
teen Associate Judges of the first seven judicial circuits, three
thousand six hundred dollars each, fifty thousand four hun-
dred dollars; for the salaries of the Judge of the Court of
Appeals from Baltimore City and for the Chief Judge and
eight Associate Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City, four thousand and five hundred dollars each, forty-five
thousand dollars; for the salary of the Attorney-General, three
thousand dollars; for commissions to attorneys on claims of
the State, placed in their hands for collection, five thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for the Crier
of the Court of Appeals, one thousand dollars; for the salary
of the State Reporter, one thousand dollars; for the State's
subscription to two hundred copies of volumes ninety-three
and ninety-four of the Maryland Reports, twenty-eight hun-
dred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; and for
the paper on which said volumes may be printed, four hun-
dred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in ac-
cordance with Article eighty of the Code of Public General
For the support of the militia of the State to be distributed,
applied and expended under the supervision of the Governor
and Commander-in -Chief, in accordance with the Acts of
Assembly in such case made and provided, the following sums,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated: For
the contingent and necessary expenses of the Adjutant-Gen-
eral's office, including the sum of two thousand dollars as the
salary of the Adjutant-General of the State, and for the main-
tenance, equipment and discipline of the land force of the
militia duly organized as prescribed by said Acts of Assembly,
the sum of fifty thousand dollars; for the maintenance, equip-
ment and discipline of the First Naval Battalion, duly organ-
ized, as prescribed by said Acts of Assembly, the sum of five
thousand dollars.
For the payment of pension granted by the Act of the Gen-
eral Assembly to William Brown, during his natural life, in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter two hundred and
sixty-nine of eighteen hundred and seventy, eighty dollars.