property, real, personal or mixed, and to execute deeds, con-
veyances, assignments or transfers thereof. Third, to receive
deposits of money, securities and other property from any
persons or corporations, and to accumulate the same, and to
issue certificates of deposits therefor, payable at such times and
on such terms as may be agreed upon; provided, that such
certificates or bonds do not at any time exceed the amount of
capital stock actually paid in. Fourth, to loan money on
promissory and negotiable notes, bills obligatory or other evi-
dences of debt.
Approved March 20, 1900.
AN ACT to incorporate the Eder Park Association of
Elkton, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That John M. Tucker, William Q Warburton, William
S. Evans, Charles B. Finley, Geo. R. Ash, J. Will Perkins,
William D. Bratten, Henry M. McCullough, Manly Drennen,
I. D. Davis, John S. Lee, William J. Smith, Austin L. Croth-
ers, William M. Cole, Henry C. Wells, Frank P. Price,
Ricketts Nelson, Victor M. Torbert, George B. Kerfoot,
William H. Eder, Joseph L. Wells, Dr. John H. Jamar, R. B.
Frazer, Henry Vinsinger, John Gilpin, L. Marshall Haines,
all residents of Elkton, in the State of Maryland, and their
associates and successors be and they are hereby created and
made a body corporate under and by the name and style of
"The Eder Public Park Association" of Elkton, Maryland,
and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and shall
be capable to sue and to be sued, complain or defend in any
Court of Law or Equity, to make and use a common seal, alter
the same at their pleasure, to receive and make deeds and
contracts, to acquire by purchase or in any other manner, take
and receive, hold, use, employ, manage in any manner not
inconsistent with law nor in violation of the terms of this
charter, any property, real, personal, or mixed, within the limits
of the town of Elkton, which may be necessary or proper to
enable said Corporation to carry out its operation or fulfill
the purposes named in this Act, and generally to do every
other act or thing not inconsistent with law or the purposes of
this Charter which may be necessary or proper to promote the
objects, designs, and purposes for which this corporation is
formed, which are hereby declared to be for the purpose of
The Eder Pub-
lic Park As-
sociation of
Elkton, Md.