Code of Public Local Laws, title 'Montgomery County, '
sub-title 'Birds and Game. ' "
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Lehmayer, from Committee on Judiciary, reported
favorably, with proposed amendments,
Senate bill entitled "An Act to repeal section 9 of Art-
icle 24 of the Code of Public General Laws, and to re-
enact the same. "
By Judiciary Committee:
Strike out all after the words "A bill, " and insert the
following in lieu thereof:
"Entitled an Act to add a new section to Article 24 of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Costs, " to follow
section 9, and to be known as 'Section 10. "
"Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new section shall be added to Article
24 of the Code of Public General Laws, title 'Costs, ' to
follow section 9, and to be known as 'Section 10. '"
"Sec. 10. The defendant, in any action or proceeding
at or before the Orphans' Courts of this State, may have
a rule on the plaintiff, or plaintiffs, to give security for
the payment of the costs and charges which may be re-
covered against him or them in such action or proceeding
if the plaintiff or plaintiffs is or are not a resident or
residents of this State at the time the motion is made for
such rule. On such rule being laid, the plaintiff or
plaintiffs shall have until such time as shall be fixed by
said Court to comply therewith; and on the failure of the
plaintiff or plaintiffs to comply with said rule he or they
shall be non-scribed; and this section shall apply to
the assignee or assignees of such non-resident plaintiff or
plaintiffs. "
"Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage. "
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Duncan, from Select Committee, reported favora-
Senate bill entitled "An Act to provide additional
revenue for the special fund of the Board of Police Com-
missioners of the city of Baltimore, to be derived from