appointments, both by the Governor and with the Governor. In other
words, the appointments I make and appointments the people want to
make to see me. He has to assemble the background information on
qualifications of all candidates for appointments to office, screen and
interview candidates and the advocates of candidates, I might add.
He has to prepare a schedule of weekly appointments with the Gov-
ernor, and I want to tell you that over 40 requests are received daily,
either to meet with the Governor or to have the Governor appear at
some function.
The public relations officer has a very important place in the present
administration, in any modern administration of an executive. His
primary function is the responsible dissemination of public informa-
tion on the Governor's program and policies. He has to be sure that
the Governor is understood and not misunderstood. Technical aspects,
including arrangements for press conferences, personal interviews,
preparation of news releases, routine pertinent correspondence and
proclamations are in his line of responsibility. Initiative is taken by
the public relations officer to coordinate all public relations programs
within the State agencies. I don't think this has been done before,
and it's been very successful.
Then \ve have a legislative officer, whose duties are to establish
adequate liaison with the legislative branch, prepare the legislative
programs, follow up enacted legislation, confer with the members of
the General Assembly, so that we don't have too many duplications
in what they're trying to do and what we're trying to do. He provides
general legal research and opinions — preliminary opinions, prior to
the time the Attorney General would pass on the law itself.
Then we have a national relations officer. This is a full time posi-
tion, an innovation of this administration, to assure that Maryland
receives its fair share of Federal grants and aid available to the states
to finance and supplement diversified programs. And you may note,
Maryland is one of only sixteen states where for every dollar in taxes
Maryland gets back less from the Federal Government. The figures
are as follows: tor every $1. 57 paid by Maryland residents to the Fed-
eral government, only $1. 00 is returned by the Federal Government to
Maryland people. Now this may to some extent be due to the affluence
of our society, but I think in part it's due to our failure to take ad-
vantage as diligently as we might, of the opportunities available in
the tremendous Federal bureaucratic complex. Some of the Federal
agencies are not exactly too easy to process applications through.
Sometimes the money available is more paper than it is folding