Housing and Urban Development,
Zoology-Psychology building .... 41
Department of, Federal Housing
Unruh, Jesse M., Democrat, speaker,
Administration ......... 453, 592
California House .............. 229
Interior, Department of 733
Upward Bound ...................272
Labor, Department of ......... 906
Urban Coalition 531, 555
program coordination and
Urban problems ........ 302, 370, 452,
evaluation .............. 528, 554
528, 530, 550, 631-2, 707-8, 801,
program pressures on state
814, 864, 882-8, 957-8, 990, 996
governments ................. 647
characteristics ........ 608-12, 882-3
southern antipathy ............. 408
comprehensive planning ....... 551
Supreme Court; see Supreme
degeneration of cities ...... 452, 490
Court, U. S.
demographic changes ........... 883
Transportation, Department of 646
discrimination ................. 609
Bureau of Public Roads... 294, 58J
Federal reinsurance program ...957-8
see also Transportation
metropolitan crisis ............550
urban problems; see Urban
migration from rural areas . 969
Nixon's proposals ............. 864
welfare responsibility .....529-30, 553,
policy recommendations ...... 964-71
611-2, 660-1, 864, 883-8
poverty ................... 406, 609
see also Welfare
presidential campaign issue .... 490
United States legislation (past and
private solutions ............... 792
renewal ................528, 550, 552
Clean Air Act of 1963 ....... 209-10
social complexities ......550-1, 658-9
Clean Water Restoration Act...265-6
state responsibility ........554, 611-2
Community Mental Health bill 705
taxation ......................551-2
Community Mental Health Services
ubiquity ................... 550-6
Act of 1966 .................. 41
see also Baltimore City,
Federal Disaster Relief Act 776
Satellite Cities
Federal Legislative-State Executive
Urban renewal; see Urban problems,
Committee .................989-90
Federal Water Pollution Control
Usury law ......... 111-2, 653-4, 724-5,
Act ..........42, 674-8
731, 898, 918, 945
National Highway Safety Act of
1966 ................57, 257-9, 732
open housing ................ 754-5
President's Safe Streets bill of
Valle, Francis J., member, Workmen's
1967 ...................214-6, 260
Compensation Commission .393, 960
University of Baltimore .657
Van Buren, Abigail, columnist .....178
University of Maryland
Vance, Cyrus, Deputy Secretary of
522, 575, 579, 651, 674
Defense, 1964-67; U. S. negotiator,
Architecture, School of ........ 643
Paris Peace Conference on
Baltimore County campus ...... 41
Vietnam, 1968 .................957
Board of Regents ......... 266, 911
Vandalism ..................... 524-5
budget ....................40, 575-6,
Vassar College ................... 151
642-3, 673-4, 843-4, 1000
Veterans of World War 1 ........146-7
commencement address, 1967 266-74
Veto messages ....................221
dining hall inadequacies ...... 579
generic drugs ...................828
food technology, department of 231
line item approval proposal .....497
general fund .................. 674
statement on farm assessments
Heidelberg, Germany,
legislation ................. 791-3
commencement ....... 833-4, 879
statement on Governor's power
Maryland State College,
to appoint liquor licensing
relation with .................821
board in Baltimore County.....277
Munich program, in Germany
override of veto by General
831-2, 879
Assembly ................ 308-9
police science .................. 261
Viereck, Peter, poet and professor 155
School of Medicine, medical
Vietnam War ...... 147, 157 173-5,
teaching center ............41, 648
198, 282, 406-8, 433, 489-90, 527-8,
student investment ............522-3
727-8, 779, 796, 919-20, 933, 949
student petition for policy input 522
peace talks .................... 788
student regent ...............911
support of President Johnson
Space Sciences building ... 176-8
on ........................ 486-7