or shall be raised or manufactnred by the party who shall offer to
pay the same, or be received by any creditor in discharge of such
interest, so due from him as aforesaid, and in such of the said com-
modities or manufactures as such committee on all circumstances
shall think most reasonable, and therefore direct; and if the par-
ties cannot agree on the price and place of delivery, then the com-
mittee of observation of the county where the debtor resides, may
ascertain and fix the price of the commodity, the time when, and
the place (within their county) where the delivery shall be: pro-
vided the said delivery be made before the tenth day of September
next after the said interest shall have accrued; and provided also
that this resolution shall extend only to private, and not to loan
office or other public debts.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
SATURDAY, July G, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday, except
Mr. Reeder, Mr. Ford, Mr. Stull, Mr. Baird, Mr. Sluby, Mr. Cham-
berlaine, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Scott, Mr. Chaille, and Mr. Handy.
The proceedings of yesterday were read.
On motion, Resolved, That no ship carpenter employed in build-
ing vessels for the service of the continent or this colony, shall be
compelled to attend his duty in the militia, nor be liable to any
fine for non-attendance, during the time of his being employed
in such service.
Mr. William Shircliff was appointed ensign of capt. Robert
Bowie's company of militia for the flying camp, in the room of Col-
more Beans who resigned.
On motion, Resolved, That any vacancy which may happen in
the militia raised by this colony to compose the flying camp, shall,
and may be filled up by the council of safety.
Resolved, That Mr. Contee, Mr. Beall, and Mr. Tolley be a
committee in the recess of convention, to examine and report
to the council of safety, the state of the accounts and proceedings
of the commissioners of the loan office; and that the council be
directed to order the monies, books and papers, in that office, to
be packed up in proper chests and removed, if they should think
proper, to some place of security.
Mr. Daniel Bowie was appointed captain of a company in col.
Smallwood's battalion of regular forces in the room of captain
Thomas Ewing.
On reading the memorial of Jacob Brice, Resolved, That a com-