Be it Enacted, by
the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of his Majesty's Governor, Council, and Assembly of this Province,
and the Authority of the same, That
from and after the End of
this present Session of Assembly, the Importer or Importers of Rum, Spirits,
Wine and Brandy, from Pensylvania and the Territories thereto belonging,
:Land, shall, for every Gallon of the said Liquors so imported into this
pay unto the King's Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, for defraying the
Public Charges of this Province,
to be collected by the Naval Officer of Cæcil
County District, for the Time being, or his sufficient Deputy, the
* Sum of
Nine-pence in ready Current Money of this Province; and shall bring the
same Liquors into this Province, to the PLace commonly called Bohemia
and to no other Place or Landing, till the Duties thereof be paid; under
the Penalty of forfeiting to the King's Majesty, his Heirs and Successors,
such before mentioned Liquors, which shall be brought to any other Place,
contrary to the Intent of this Act, or the Value thereof in ready money;
one Moiety of the said Forfeiture to the King's Majesty, his Heirs and
for the Support of the Government of this Province, and the other
Moiety to the Informer; to be recovered in any Court of Record in this
by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin,
Protection, or Wager of Law to be allowed.
* By the Act of 1725, ch. , this
Duty of Nine-pence per Gallon is repealed; and a Duty
of Three-pence per Gallon is declared wo be still due and payable for the
said Liquors brought by
Land from Pensylvania, subject to the same Discounts and Allowances
with the Duties of such
Liquors imported from other Places.
II. And
to the End that the said Nine-pence
per Gallon may be exactly
paid and collected; Be it Enacted,
by the Authority, Advice and
Consent aforesaid,
That before the said Liquors shall be Water-born in Chesapeak
the Importer or Importers shall make entry thereof, upon Oath, with the
Naval Officer of Cæcil County District, of the Number of Casks,
and the
Contents thereof; which Oath the said Naval Officer, by virtue of this
shall have Authority to administer; and of the full Contents, the said
Officer may abate Twenty per Cent, for Leakage, and other Damage to be
sustained, and no more.
III. And
be it further Enacted, by
the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That if the Importer or Importers aforesaid, after he hath brought
said Liquors to Bohemia Landing aforesaid, shall put the said Liquors
on board
any Vessel in Chesapeak Bay, or any the Rovers, Creeks or Harbours
belonging, before the Duty aforesaid shall be paid in ready Money as aforesaid,
then the Importer or Importers shall forfeit the said Liquors, or the
Value thereof in ready Money, to the Uses aforesaid, to be recovered as
aforesaid. |
A Duty on all
Rum, &c.
imported by
Land from
to be collected
by the
Naval Officer
of Cæcil
County District;
for defraying
Charge of the
Such Liquors
to be brought
to Bohemia
Landing, till
Duty be paid,
on forfeiture
of the Goods.
Such Liquors
(before they
be Water-born
in Chesapeak
shall be Enter'd
on Oath.
putting such
Liquors on
board any
Vessel in the
Bay, &c. before
paid, shall
forfeit, &c. |