Atkey, John, Calvert County
planter; see Table of Cases
Attachment, Granting of, 72, 75,
78, 80, 157, 158, 159, 160,
161, 168, 235, 236, 237, 273,
274, 275, 276, 395, 397, 398,
400, 416.
To answer to a plea, 76, 78,
158, 395-
Dissolution of, 76.
Oath to seizure of estate un-
der, 75.
Quashing of, 90.
Attachment of privilege, 286.
Attaway, Thomas, 186, 187.
Attorney, As defendant in
court, 162, 269, 272.
Assignment of, by the Court,
Disbarment of, xii, 401.
As officer of the Court, 152,
Fee of, Suit for, 52-53, 258-
259, 287.
Necessity of having, 200, 201.
Payment of fees of witnesses
by, 412-
Refusal of, to accept clients,
Retaining of, 52, 258.
Special admission of, 53, 213.
Swearing in of, xii, 74.
Attorney at large, 322.
Attorney, Blakiston, Nehemiah.
Bland, Thomas.
Blomfield, John.
Bonner, Henry.
Boteler, Charles.
Boughton, Richard.
Burford, Thomas (at law or
in fact?).
Carvile, Robert.
Cheseldyn, Kenelm.
Coursey, James.
Crosse, William.
Hanslop, Henry.
Parker, Charles.
Parker, George.
Ridgely, Robert.
Rousby, Christopher.
Rousby, John.
Thompson, George (at law or
in fact?).
Attorneys, For overseas mer-
chants, 15, 44, 48, 204, 326.
Atwood, Richard, of St. Mary's
County, 175; see also Table
of Cases.
Anderson, John, lawyer, 99.
Auditors, Commission to, 35, 64-
65, 239, 301, 399.
Full report by, 65-67, 301-
Axe (tool), Value of, 176, 178.
Bail, Special, 48, 50, 69, 72, 73
74, 209, 210, 340, 341, 342
345, 346, 387, 420-421.
Refusal to give, 346.
Bail bond of deft., Delivery of,
to plaintiff, 229.
Bailey, John, 330, 358, 361, 378,
Bailey, Richard, 2, 10, 12, 13, 15,
19, 31, 32, 97, 331 J see also
Table of Cases.
Baines, Ann ( —————— ), Mrs.
Christopher, 318.
Christopher, 318.
Mary, servant, xvi, 413-414.
Baker, John, 175; see also Ta-
ble of Cases.
John, ordinary keeper, 415.
Roger; see also Table of
Balance of accounts, Delivery of,
to [creditor], 74-75.
Balderstone, James, admr.; see
also Table of Cases; Desi-
ardins, (Dr.] Jno:, dec'd.
Ballard, Jarvis, Calvert County
merchant, 90; see also Ta-
ble of Cases.
Baltimore, Charles, 3d. Lord,
Exr.; see also Table of
Cases; Notley, Thomas,
dec'd; Rozer, Benjamin,
Baltimore County, Court of, Ap-
peal from, 271, 393.
Writ of error from, 391.
Sheriff of, 79, 80, 246, 274,
417, 418.
Amercing of, 7iv 115,
156, 162, 229; see also
Stanesby, John.
Bankes, Charles, Kent County
clerk, 297.
Thomas, 251, 419.
Thomas, admr., see Table of
Cases; Beckwith, George,
Barbier, James; see Table of
Barker, Thomas; see Table of
Barley malt, Contract for. 223.
Barnes, John, St. Mary's County
innholder, xvi, 123, 175; see
also Table of Cases.
Barrowcliffe, Edwd., of Talbot
County; see Table of Cases.
Barton, William, Commissioner
of Charles County, 191, 192,
193, 196, 197, 199, 217, 218
Basford, Henry, 418.
Bassey, Michael; see Table o!
Bastardy, Charge of, 169, 190.
Batchelor, Thomas, 137, 242
243, 244, 402, 404, 405, 408
Batchellors Creek, Charles
County, 402, 407, 408.
Battle Creek, Calvert County
Taney residence at, 10.
Bawdon, John, London mer-
chant; see Table of Cases.
Wm., 89, 141, 148, 151.
Beale, Ninian, 269; see also
Atcheson, George [.minor].
Tho:, 89, no, 141, 148, 151,
260, 279, 355.
Beamont (Beamon, Beamount),
John, 407, 408; see also
Table of Cases,
Beane. John, of Charles County,
244, 405.
Bearcroft, John, 66; see also
Table of Cases.
3eauchampe, Mr. Edmund, 325.
Beaverdam [we], 402, 408.
Beckwith, [Frances] ffrancis,
deceased, 116, 222.
George, deceased, 116, 222; see
also Bankes, Thomas, admr.
Bed ticks, Value of, 176, 178.
Beech, Elias, 175.
Beech as boundary tree, 402, 408.
Beef, Bond for payment of, 46,
Contract for, 223.
Beer, Value of, 197, 198, 334.
Bennet James, of Sarum,
County Wilshire, England;
see also Table of Cases.
Bennett, Disborough, dec'd,
296; see also Blangy, Mary
( ————— ) Bennett, Mrs.
Lewis, extrx.
Henry; see also Table of
Bennett, John; see also Table
of Cases.
Berlaines, John, planter, 137,
242, 243, 244, 404, 405, 407.
Berwick-on-Tweed, Shipping
from, 173.
Biddeford Merchant (ship) , 303,
Biggs, Seth; see also Table of
Bilboes (shackles for feet), Cost
of, 251.
Bill, Filing of, 269.
Bill, Refusal to accept, 145.
Bill, Refusal to sign and de-
liver, 148.
Bill, Taking of, 14.
Bill of exchange, Text of, 23.
Billingsly, Francis, Anne Arun-
del County planter, 303,
308; see also Table of Cases.
Binkes, Thomas, see also Table
of Cases.
Bill of costs for the complain-
ant, 249.
Bill of exchange, Acceptance of,
II, 124.
Collection of, 331.
Drafting & signing of, 21-23,
294, 382.
Protest of, 295, 382 (full
[Bird,] Eliza [( ————— ), Mrs.
John,] ux., extrx.; see Ta-
ble of Cases; Lewis, Henry,