Eod. Die
Allowed to Thomas Waughopp of st Maryes County for comeing
goeing & attendance to Testify for Hugh Reynolds against Thomas
Hebb in all Tenn dayes att Thirty pounds of Tobacco p day is Three
hundred pounds of Tobacco
Febry 19th 1680
Allowed to Thomas Shuttleworth of Charles County for comeing
goeing and attendance to Testify for phillip Lynes at the suite of
William Sparkes Lessor of Henry Hardy in all ffourteen dayes att
Thirty pounds of Tobacco p day is ffoure hundred and Twenty
Pounds of Tobacco
February 22th 1680
Allowed to John Powell and George Powell of Calvert County
for comeing goeing and attendance to Testify for John Ashcombe
against Thomas Norman in all Seaven dayes a peice, wch at thirty
pounds of Tobacco p day Amounts unto for each of them Two hun-
dred and Tenn pounds of Tobacco