396 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
p. 363
Roger Eades
James Peterkin
ffebruary the Two and Twentyeth: 1680
Came Rodger Eades by Robert Ridgely his Attor-
ney, and James Feterkm by Christopher Kousby
his attorney, and this Cause standing att issue ready for Tryall
this Present Court, but because it appeareth to the Court here
that the same is an accon of Ejectment, and that it is Comenced
by the said Roger Eades as Lessee to Anthony Dawson & Rebecca
his wife & Thomas Taylor and Sarah his wife against William Reid
Casuall Ejector, and the said James Peterkin haveing Named him-
self deft instead of the Casuall Ejector to try the Title to one Mes-
suage of Six hundred and ffifty Acres of Land Called Alexanders
Place scituate Lyeing and being in Transquaking River on the
East Side of Chesepeake bay & on the Westermost side of the north-
west branch of the said River, and being now in dispute betweene
the said Roger Eades and James Peterkin, and the Court finding it
very necessary that the due Lines & bounds of the said Land bee
Laid out by some skilfull pson according to the originall Survey
thereof, by the direccon of the Neighbourhood that are most Know-
ing in the antient meets and bounds thereof, and that a faire plott &
Certificate thereof bee Returned to the next Provinciall Court Soe
that upon pusall & Veiwing thereof and hearing what Can bee said
on both sides this Court may doe therein as to Justice appertaines,
Itt is therefore by the Court this day ordered that Thomas Pattison
gentt bee and is hereby especially appointed impowered and Co-
manded to Lay out the aforesaid parcell of Land according to the
antient meetes and bounds thereof in the prsence of the Sheriff of
Dorchester County aforesaid Who is hereby impowered and Co-
manded to sumon and Impannell a Jury of Twelve good Law full
and honest men of the Neighbourhood to goe upon the said Land,
and to Sumon and Examine Witnesses upon oath that the truth of
the matter may be fully discovered, and the said Thomas Pattison
is hereby Ordered to Runn the Lines according to the Evidence
then to bee given and the direction of the Jury, and to returne a
Certifficate of his Proceedings herein, and a faire plott of Land in
Question to the next Provinciall Court to bee held att the Citty of
st Maryes the six and Twentyeth day of Aprill next That so his Lopps
Justices being fully informed of the truth of the premisses may doe
therein as to Justice shall appertaine:
William Brice
John Richardson
] Comand was given to the Sheriff of Dorchester
County that hee take Jno Richardson late of Dor-
J chester County Planter, otherwise called John
Richardson of the Countv of Dorchester in the
Province of Maryland Planter If hee should be found in his bali-
wick and him safe Keepe so that hee should have his body here the
fifteenth day of ffebruary in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of