Marchant If they should bee found in his Baliwick and them Safe
Keepe Soe that hee Should have their bodys before the Justices of
the said Provinciall Court to bee held att the Citty of St Maryes ye
Eleaventh day of June then next To answere unto Richard Perry &
Thomas Gant of a plea that they should render unto them ffoure
thousand five hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobacco & Casqj wch
to them they owe and Unjustly detaine and that hee should have
then & there the same writt, and the said John Sanders being and
remaining in the Custody of the said sheriffe of Charles County att
the Suite of the said John Machen for the said ffoure hundred
pounds Sterl untill hee should pcure Speciall bayle as aforesaid,
The said then Sheriffe the aforesaid writt of Capias att the Suite of
the said Richard Perry and Thomas Gaunt for the said sume of
ffoure thousand five hundred & Twenty pounds of Tobacco Upon
the body of the said John Sanders in the Custody of the said
Sheriffe aforesaid Remaining The Tenth day of May aforesaid did
serve and Execute, By vertue whereof and in obedience to the writt
aforesaid the said William Chandler then Sheriffe of Charles County
aforesaid the said John Sanders his Prisonr aforesaid att the suite
of the said John Machen for ffoure hundred pounds aforesaid, and
also att the suite of the said Perry and Gaunt for ffoure Thousand
five hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobacco aforesaid into the
Custody of Roger ffowke one of his Deputyes Sheriffe of the same
County att Portobacco in Charles County aforesaid the ninth day of
June in the yeare aforesaid Did deliver, wth order to Guard and
attend the said John sanders from Portobacco in the County afore-
said to the Citty of St Maryes aforesaid soe that hee might have him
att the Citty of St Maryes aforesaid the Eleaventh day of June
aforesaid To answere Richard Perry and Thomas Gaunt aforesaid
Of and upon the prmisses aforesaid according as by the writt of
the said Lord Propry before recited att the suite of the said Perry
and Gaunt hee was Comanded In pursuance whereof the said Roger
ffowke him the said John Sanders, charged and burthened with the
debts aforesaid The day and yeare aforesaid att Portobacco afore-
said unto his Custody aforesaid from the said William Chandler
then Sheriffe of Charles County as aforesaid did receive and take,
and the said Roger ffowke him the said John Sanders from Porto-
bacco aforesaid in obedience to the writt aforesaid, to the Citty of
St Maryes aforesaid Did Conduct & bring on the Tenth day of
June aforesaid Soe that hee might have his body before the Justices
of the provinciall Court aforesaid the Eleaventh day of the same
June, att the Citty of St Maryes aforesaid To answere unto the said
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