Liber W. C.
p. I3i
not well and truly pay When the same was prsented unto him, hee
the said Enock him the said James the said ffour thousand ffoure
hundred pounds of tobacco would well and Justly content & pay
when thereunto required, And the said James Mills in ffact saith
that trusting to the ffaithfull pmisse of the said Enock Bolton to
him as aforesaid in manner aforesaid made, hee the said James
did accept of the said note, And afterwards to witt the two and
twentieth day of June in the yeare aforesaid att the Ridge in Ann
Arrundell County aforesaid at the house of the said Thomas Taylor
to the said Thomas Taylor, the said Noate soe drawne on him by
the said Enock for ffoure thousand ffoure hundred pounds of tobacco
as aforesaid payable to the said James, hee the said James did prsent
to the said Thomas and desire his acceptance and paymt thereof but
the said Thomas wholly refused and denyed the same, Yet the said
Enoch Bolton in his life time nor the said John Larkin since his
death, to whome the Admon of all and singuler the goods Chattells
Rights and Creditts wch were of the said Enock in his life time since
his death hath been Comitted, the said sume of ffoure thousand
ffoure hundred pounds of tobacco although often thereunto requested
have not paid or satisfied but the same to pay or satisfie have denyed
and as yet doe denye, to the damage of the said James Mills six
thousand pounds of tobacco, an thereupon they bring theire suite
And the said John Larkin by George Parker his Attorney Cometh
and Defendeth the fforce and Injury when &c, and prayeth Liberty
to imparle hereunto untill next provinciall Court and itt is granted
unto him the same day is given to the plt alsoe
Now here att this day to witt the Eighteenth day of ffebruary in
the ffifth yeare of the Dominion of the right honoble Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Anoqj Dominj 1679 came the said parties by their
Attorneys aforesaid, and the said John Larkin by his said Attorney
saith that the said James Mills his accon aforesaid against him
Ought not to have for thar hee hath ffully adminiotrcd all the guuds
and Chattells wch were the said Enock Boltons att the time of his
death, and that hee hath noe goods and Chattells wch were of the
aforesaid Enock Boltons at the time of his death in his hands to
bee Administred, nor had att the day of the takeing out of the
Originall writt of the said James nor ever after and this hee is
readie to Verifie, Whereupon hee demands Judgment whether the
said James his accon aforesaid against him Ought to have &c
And the said James Mills by his said Attorney saith, that hee by any
thing before alleadged from haveing his action aforesaid ought not
to bee debarred because hee saith that the said Defendt the day of
the Entring the Originall writt against him in this Accon, to witt
the seaventh day of June last past had divers goods and Chattells
wch were of the said Enock Bolton at the time of his death in his
hands to bee administred to the vallue of the Debt aforesaid out of