Draper and Crosse continued... 896
Donning and Brooke Judgmt... 899
Dobson and Garnis abated....... 899
Dorsey & uxr & Bland et uxr
Stayed by ordr................ 903
Dowlin and Blomfeild ackno.
satisfacc .................... 904
England & Wyne nonsuite....... 23
Eaton & Slater judgmt........... 25
Edmundson & Wms & Osborne
ordr attacht ................. 27
England & Wyne cent........... 44
Louelace cont ........... 4S
Eaton & Hemsly cont............ 48
KstsonH -- 5!
Mitchell & als Cont...... 53
Exon & Wynn judgmt........... 62
Elwes & Drope agt Webb judg-
ment & w* att................. 74
Edwards & Edmundson sher
atner nisi ................... 75
Edloes release from Halfehead ... 83
England & Wyne admr ]
Marshall cont .............. 93
Louelace sher reamer]
Eaton & Hopkinson agreed....... 94
Edwards & Edmundson the same . 97
Elwes & Drope ft Stansby app.
& imp16 ..................... 101
Exon Henry Deed to Ellys ..... 1 18
Eaton & Baggett judgmt...48-.... 128
Hemsley judgmt ..48 &.. 129
Mitchell & als judgmt.. 53 142
Ennalls Bartho: fined .......... 173
Eaton & Thurston Judgmt....... 178
England & Wyne cont...44....... 193
England & Louelace discont...45
..93 ........................ 194
Elwes & Drope i Hansby agreed
41 .......................... 196
English & Johnson admr vtie
judgmt & w* att............... 223
Edloe & Thompson judgmt..... 223
Eaton & Obstone agreed......... \
Edmundson & Cooke 3 abate/ ' ' 3
Edloe & Rider app. & imple ..... 237
Edmundson & Mitchell nisi ..... 239
Wms & Osborne agreed..... 245
England & Wyne cont...44...193 250
Exon & Carleton discont........ 255
Edmundson & oldfield ye bond
admcon to be prosecuted.. 268
Edloe & Ridder judgmt.......... 273
Edmundson & Ireland judgmt... 280
Michell nisi ............. 280
Mann app. & imple ....... 300
Evans & Watts idem ........... 304
Edmundson & Oldfield judgt.... 307
Exrs & admrs ap. may issue...... 312
Edmundson & Oldfield judgt.... 319
England & Wyne cont.. 44. 193
250 ......................... 323
Edmundson & man cont ........ 326
Evans & Watts cont ............ 333
Edmundson & Barty ordr 1
attachd ................ -.... 337
Clarke app. & imple J
Eaton & Meares agreed.......... 340
Hopkinson abatemt\
Sayer judgmt .... J 44
Erickson & Brice nisi .......... 346
England & Wyne cont
............ 44.. 193.. 250...323 363
Exrs plts to pay noe costs ....... 366
Edmundson & man cont......... 385
Evans & Watts agreed........... 394
Edmundson & Clarke cont...... 401
Edmondson & Clarke agreed .... 408
England & Wyne judgl
.......... 44.. 193.. 323 & 363 & 418
Edmundson & matin judgt ....... 427
Evans & Watts judgmt.......... 431
Edmondson & Roe Exx Roe
misericordia ................ 461
Ellys & Chilman app & imp...... 462
Edmondson & Parker miseri-
cordia ...................... 465
Edmunds & Atkey app. & impl..... 487
Emperour of Nantecoake come-
ing over .................... 495
Ellys & Warde Exx Warde app
& impl ...................... 497
Exon & Mansf eild app & impl ..... 498
Edmondson & Roe Exx Roe
cont ........................ 520
Edmondson & Parker cont....... 522
Ellys & Chilman cont .......... 322
Edmonds St Atkey Comiss
auditors .................... 552
Ellys & Ward Exx Ward Judg'.. 570
Exon & Mansf eild Judgt........ 574
Edmondson & Roe Exx Roe
Judgt ....................... 608
Ellis & Chilman Judg'........... 614
England & VSweringen Judg*..... 635
Edmonson & Parker agreed ..... 650
Edmondson & Tilghman app &
impl ....................... 652
English & ff loyd app & impl ..... 654
Edmondson & Tilghman judgmt. g^2
Ellys & Quigley app & impl...... 713
Edmondson & Ireland agreed....... 719
Edelen Exr Cressy & Clarke app
& impl ...................... 719
Edmonds & Atkey judgmt...... 735
Ellys and Quigley Cont........ 752
Edmondson & Mitchell app &
impl ....................... 806
Edmondson & Barret nisi ....... 807
England & Guither ordr
attachm* .................... 807
Edmundson and Mitchell Contin. 822
Ellis and Quigley Judgment...... 825
Edmondson & Whitwell & Bailey
sher amer nisi ............... 834
Edmondson and Barrett agreed... 846
Ellis and Sly admr Chilman
execucon ordrd .............. 872
Edelen and Bennet ordr p
Attachmt ................... 879
England and Slye appear and
imparl ...................... 883
The same agt the same ......... 894
Edmondson & Mitchell agreed... 900
ffarrer ex: ffarrer & Hinton app.
& imple ..................... 72
Waghop the same ........ 72
Bayly sher amer: nisi..... 72
Waghop the same ........ 72
ffowler William costs allowed ... 86
ffisher & Clarke app. & imple..... 98
ff rench & Edmondson 2 agreed ... 99
Ingram order attachm'..... 101
ffarrer ex: & Bonner app & impl. 103
Hinton judgmt .......... 155
wtyhop}JUdgmt -- I56
Lewis & Waghop j udgm*.. 157
fford Wm fined................. 173
fforest & Griffin admr Eare
judgmt ..................... 160
ffisher & Clarke agreed.......... 196
ffountain & Hawkins satisfaction
Ack: ....................... 202
ffarrer & Bonner judgt.......... 218
ffendall & Neale cont............ 225
Neale judgmt ........... 260
fforreignerr cap. may issue,
when ....................... 262
ffitzGerrald & Bodkin & Wells
app. & imple ................. 298
ffisher & Brookes app. & imple..... 301
ff rancis & Darby app. & imple ..... 306
ffarloe & Brooke agreed......... 311
ffitzGerrald & Stone cont\
Allen idem ........J""- 3I4
ffees posted 5 .................. 258
ffitzGerrald & afe & Wells cont... 325
ffisher & Brooks 2 cont.......... 326
ffendall costs agt Murty......... 328
ff ranees & Darby cont .......... 333
ffoster & Brookes app. & imple..... 335
ffarrer & Canady agreed ........ 336
ffitzGerrald & als & Stone
judgmt ..................... 352
Allen judgmt ........... 353
ffoster & Brooke judm*.......... 392
ff rancis & Darby cont .......... 393
ffisher & Brooke 2 cont.......... 385
ff ranees & Darby agreed ........ 408
ffisher & Brooke cont............ 426
ffisher & Brooke judgmt......... 427
ff ranees & Sparrow ordr attach*... 402
ffurnace & ux & Jones app &
impl ........................ 497
ffisher & Compa & Brooke Adr
Worgan Judg* .............. 501
ffawkes & Evans Judg* ......... 544
ffurnace & ux & Jones agreed ..... 550
ffees posted ................... 653
ffrancis & Sparrow Ordr no
costs ....................... 737
ffishborne & Dauenport cont...... 810
Idem Writt of Erro]
And prced Talbott judgmt..... 825
County Court ... j
Gaiter & Semme judgmt......... 17
Gilbert & Wilison abate.......... 47
Overton sh: amer: & cont. 53
Herman cont ............ 53
Hollis sher amer & cont..... 54