thirteenth day of April Anno 1676 for the sume of Eight hundred
pounds of tobaccc debt with costs of suite
Att a Provinciall Court held att the City of Saint Maryes the seventh
day of October in the fourth yeare of the Dominion of the right
Honble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni One thousand six
hundred Seventy nine and there continued untill the Sixteenth day
of the same Month, on which said Seventh day of Octobr were
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelour
Wm Calvert Esqr Princll Secry
Vincent Lowe Esqr Surveyr Genll
Lievtent Col Henry Darnall
Nic: Painter Ct
Then was Col Wm Stevens sworne one of the Justices of this