24 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678.
Liber N N
p. 697
Gerard his Accon aforesaid against him ought to have &c: And the
said Gerard saith, that the said Samuel Abbot did not appeare as
above is pleaded by the said Symon Reader, & of this he prayes may
be inquired by the Countrey And the Defendt also Therefore itt is
comanded the Sheriffe of St Maryes County that he cause to come
here twelve &c by whom &c and who neither &c to Recognize &c
because as well &c Att which said sixteenth day of October in the
yeare aforesaid came the said partyes by their Attorneys aforesaid
And the jurors impannelled being called likewise came to witt
Richard Boughton, John Haslewood, Tho: Doxey, John Doxey,
James Rumsey, Tho: Bowdle, Tho: Osborne, Lewis Blangy, Tho :
Ball, Henry Howard, Tho: Gilbert & Richard Hodgson who being
elected tryed & sworne to say the truth in the prmisses upon their
Oaths doe say that the said Samuel Abbot did Appeare according
to the Condicon of the aforesaid Obligacon, Therefore itt is con-
sidered by the Court here that the said Symon Reader recover
against the said Gerard Slye the sume of pounds
of tobacco for his costs & charges by him about his defence in this
behalfe laid out & expended And the said Gerard in mercy &c — for
his false claime
Robt. Hewit
Tho: Helgar
Thomas Helgar late of Charles County otherwise
called Thomas Helgar of Charles County in the Prov-
ince of Maryland Innholder was Sumoned to Answer
unto Robert Hewit in a plea that he render unto him
the sume of three thousand nine hundred & Sixty six pounds of
tobacco which to him he oweth & unjustly detaineth
And whereupon the said Robert by Henry Bonner his Attorney
saith, that whereas the said Thomas upon the Twenty fourth day of
October One thousand six hundred seventy seven by his certaine
writeing Obligatory Sealed with the Seale of him the said Thomas
& here in Court produced whose date is the day & yeare abovesaid
was holden & firmly bound unto the said Robert in the full & just
Sume of three thousand nine hundred Sixty & six pounds of good
Mrchantable leafe tobacco in cask to be paid unto the said Robert
his heyres Execrs Admrs & assignes upon all demands Yet nothwith-
standing the said Thomas the said sume of three thousand nine hun-
dred sixty & six pounds of tobacco to him the said Robert though
thereunto often requested according to the tenour of the said write-
ing obligatory hath not paid, but the same to him to pay hath hitherto
denyed & still doth deny to the damage of the said Robert five thou-
sand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his suite
And the said Thomas Helgar by Robert Carvile his Attorney
cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth liberty
to imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & itt is granted
unto him, the same day is given to the plaintiffe also