Liber N N
tiffe should be in mercy for his false claime And that the said
Charles should have f cure thousand & twelve pounds of tobacco for
his costs and charges in the same suite wrongfully sustained And
whereas afterwards to witt the ninth day of October One thousand
six hundred seventy seven, he the said Charles James did sue out
of the same Court his Lordshipps writt of capias ad satisfaciendum
directed to the then Sheriffe of Cecil County comanding him to
take the body of him the said Edward if he should be found in his
bailywick & him safely keep so as he had the said Edward before
the Justices of the said Provinciall Court att St Maryes aforesaid
the fourth day of December then next following to satisfie unto the
said Charles the said Sume of foure thousand & twelve pounds of
tobacco so as aforesaid adjudged to the said Charles, which said
writt aforesaid to witt the day of was by the
said Charles James in Cecil County aforesaid to the said Jonathan
Sibrey then being Sheriffe of the same County delivered in forme
of Law to be Executed By Vertue of which said writt the said
Jonathan afterwards to witt the day of one
thousand six hundred Seventy Seven then being Sheriffe of Cecil
County aforesaid att within the same County the said
Edward Pynn for the cause aforesaid did take, & him the said
Edward under his custody then & there had & kept Afterwards to
witt the said fourth day of December One thousand six hundred
Seventy seven by speciall writt of Adjournment of the right Honble
the Lord Propry the Provinciall Court of this Province & all writts
bills proces precepts & other things then & there depending undeter-
mined was adjourned untill the fifth day of the same month of
Decembr And by the Special writt adjourned from the said fifth
day to the sixth day of the same month of December And by
the like Special writt was adjourned from the said sixth day of
Decembr untill the twelfth day of ffebruary then next following And
all Sheriffes Officers & other Ministers whatsoever of the said Prov-
ince of Maryland were by the said writt of Adjournmt comanded
that every of them should in their Custody detaine all & singuler the
writts bills proces & precepts whatsoever either in Law or Equity
which were to be returned before his said Lordpp the said fourth