Liber N N
cause to come before the Justices att St Maryes aforesaid on the
thirteenth day of the same June in the yeare aforesaid twelve &c by
which &c and who not &c to recognize &c because as well &c Att
which day that is to say the same thirteenth day of June in the
yeare aforesaid came as well the said Attorney Genll in his proper
person on the behalfe of the said Lord Propry, the said Nehemiah
being brought to the barr by the Sheriffe of St Maryes County
aforesaid, as the said Sheriffe of St Maryes County aforesaid who
to the Court makes returne of the writt aforesaid to him directed
served & executed together with the pannell & names of the Jury to
passe upon the life & the death of the said Nehemiah, which said
jurors to witt Thomas Stagg, Wm Hemsley, John Stanley Benja-
min Hunt, John Whittington, Edmond Dennis, John Tennison,
Richard Keen, Robert Ellys, Edward Turner, Tho: Smith & Henry
Parker gentt being called appeared, & being elected tryed & sworne
well & truely to try & true deliverance to make between the said Lord
Propry & the said Nehemiah then prisoner att the barr whom they
had in charge according to their Evidence And notwithstanding the
said Edward then & there upon his said corporall Oath the said
crime of felony & robbery to the said Nehemiah then prisoner att the
barr before his Lordpps said Justices & the jury aforesaid in open
Court malitiously falsely divellishly & wickedly did impose & charge,
the said jurors upon their Oathes aforesaid did say that the said
Nehemiah Blakiston was not guilty of the felony & robbery whereof
he stood indicted, nor for that occasion he ever withdrew himselfe
Upon which itt was considered by the Court aforesaid (upon publick
Proclamacon solemnly made three tymes That if any manner of
person whatsoever could in forme his Lordpps Justices or the said
Attorney Genll of any treason murder or felony or any other mis-
demeanour comitted or done by the said Nehemiah Blakiston then
prisoner att the barr, they should come forth & they should be
heard, & no person appeared) that the said Nehemiah Blakiston
should goe from thence quietly, & be thereof without day, as by the
aforesaid judgemt & proces thereon before the said Justices remain-
ing on Record in the said Provintiall Court relation being thereunto
had more fully & more att large itt doth & may appeare By pretext
of which said prmisses the said Nehemiah Blakiston is not only in
his goods name fame creditt repute & estimacon, aforesaid in which
he was reputed & esteemed greatly hurt & damnified, but was brought