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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 490   View pdf image (33K)
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                  490       Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.

          Liber N N John Creycroft This action in Ejectment being cothenced by the
                     agt plaintiff as Lessee to Thomas Alexander against
                  John Slyethe defendant casuall Ejector & Nicholas Hackett
                  being named defendant instead of the casuall Ejec
                  tor to try the title to a parcell of land in the tenure of the said
                  Hackett or his assignes containeing foure hundred acres in Tredavon
                  Creeke. Ordered that a jury be impannelled upon the Land of the
                  neighbourhood & the same with the lines of the said Hackett Sur-
                  veyed & returne thereof made at the next Provinciall Court.

                  John     Creycroft This action in Ejectment being coffienced by the
                     agt plaintiff as Lessee to John Rousby & Barbara his
                  John Burditt  wife against John Burditt Casuall Ejector & John
                  Combes & Mary his wife daughter & heire of Ed

                  ward Roe deceased being named defendants instead of the casuall
                  Ejector to try the title to a parcell of land in the tenure of the said
                  John Combes or wm Winters at Wintersell or their assignes called
                  Plymhimmon containeing six hundred acres lyeing in Tredavon
                  Creeke Ordered that a jury of the neighbourhood be impannelled
                  who with the Surveyr are to Enquire & Certifie whether the land in
                  question now or late in the possession of the said Winters at Win-
                  tersell or any or what part thereof be within the lines of the pattent
                  of the land called Plymhimmon & returne thereof to be made next
                  Provinciall Court.

                  John Edmondson     George Oldfeild and Petronella his wife
                      agt administratrix of all & Singular the goods
                  George Old feild & Chattells & Creditts of John Carr Gent
                  Petronella his wife admrx deceased was attached to answer unto
                John Carr           John Edmondson of a plea of trespas
                                    upon the case

                    And whereupon the said John Edmondson by Robert Ridgely his
                  Attorny complaineth that whereas the said John Edmondson at the
                  Speciall instance & request of the said John Carr in the life tyme
                  of the said John Carr betweene the sixtenth day of January One
                  thousand six hundred seventy foure & the two & twentith day of
                  December 1675 sold and delivered unto the said John Carr divers
                  goods and also paid & disbursed for the said John Carr divers
                  summes of tobacco to severall persons a particular of the said goods
                  as also of the said summes amounting to in the whole the summe of
                  foure thousand five hundred fifty six pounds of tobacco is by the
                  said John Edmondson here in Court produced in consideration
                  whereof the said John Carr in his life time to him the said John
                  Edmondson did assume upon himselfe & to him the said John
                  Edmondson did faithfully promise that he the said John Carr when
                  thereunto required the said sume of foure thousand five hundred
                  fifty six pounds of tobacco would well & truly content & pay. Yet

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 490   View pdf image (33K)
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