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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 329   View pdf image (33K)
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                  Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676. 329

         that the said Leonard recover against the said Marmaduke his dam- Liber N N
         ages by Occasion of the trespas assault battery aforesaid as also the
         summe of five hundred seventy nine pounds of tobacco costs of
         Suite, but because it is not Knowne what damages the said Leonard
         hath susteined by the Occasion aforesaid his Lopps writ of inquiry
         of damages is granted him returnable next Court

         John Denis Simon Reader late of st Maries County was attached
           agt to answer unto John Denis in a plea that Of trespas
         Simon Reader upon the case
                    And the said Simon by John Jones his Attorny
         cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c & prayeth liberty to
         imparle hereunto untill next Court & it is granted him the same
         day is given to the said John Denis.
           Afterwards to wit the first day of December in the second yeare
         of his Lopps Dominion &c Annoq Dom 1676 Came the said Simon
         by his Attorny aforesaid but the said John Came not to prosecute
         his plaint aforesaid whereupon it is granted by the Court that the said
         Simon recover against the said John Denis the summe of
                pounds of tobacco costs of suite & the said John Denis in
         mercy for his false claime.

        Zachariah Mahugh Upon the Oath of Henry Hosier Gent taken in
            agt Court the second day of December 1676 that
      James Ringold   the generall report in & about Kent is that the
                      plaintiff is dead this cause continued untill next

        Robert Carvile
            agt         the def Hopkinson by Mathew Warde his
            b Attorny appeares & imparles untill next
         Jonathan Hopkinson
           & Edward Winckles

         Elizabeth Delaroch exrx
           Charles Delaroch
            ag                 these two causes continued untill
         John Allen
                             next Court.
         John Watkins
         Richard Hill admr Jno Rawbone

        John Wedge This cause Standing continued upon arrest of judg- 200
            agt ment upon the verdict the defendant by Vincent
       James Ringold    Lowe his Attorny Setteth forth to the Court That
                   t'is lawfull to gett a warrant frO some justice of the
         Peace to apprehend a ifelon, or to Search upon suspition of ifelony,
         and t'will not mainteine an action, for if it should no person would

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 329   View pdf image (33K)
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