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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675. 603 wast or imbezell the estate of the said John Hatton deceased & this Liber M M he is ready to averre & therefore demands judgmt of this Court whether the aforesaid debt of One hundred thousand pounds of tobacco of the Lands and chattells of him the said ffrancis ought to be rendred to the said Samuel Hatton assignee of the said Lord Propry & Admr of the said John Hatton according to the forme of the Said writeing in the nature of a recognizance aforesaid. And the Said Samuel Saith that the Said writeing in the nature of a recognizance Ought by the said Act for preservation of Or phants estates by the judge for probate of wills & granting adminis tracons to be assigned over to the Said Samuel for his releife against the wasting and imbezelling of the Said estate of the Said John Hat- ton deceased by the first Administratr of the said estate & of this craves judgment of the Court. Now here at this day to wit the twentith day of November in the 44th yeare of his Lopps Dominion &c. Annoq Doth 1675 the Court here haveing fully heard what can be alleadged by the Attornyes on either Side of & in the premisses and iforasmuch as it appeares to the judge for probate of Wills and granting Administrations that the estate of the Said John Hatton deceased is by the first Administratr wasted and imbezled to the Value of twenty Seven thousand Seaven hundred and eleven pounds of tobacco Therefore it is considered by the Court here that the said Samuel Hatton the present Adminis trator recover against the Said ffrancis Holland aswell the Said Summe of twenty Seaven thousand seven hundred and eleaven pounds of tobacco as also the Sume of Seven hundred forty Seaven pounds of tobacco Costs of Suite. Novemr 17th 1675 Then were John Jones of St Maries County and Peter Sayer of Talbott County Gent admitted and Sworne Attornyes of this Court according to the usuall Oath of Attornyes of this Court. Robert Carvile Arthur Wright late of Dorchester County other agt wise called Arthur Wright of the County of Dor Arthur Wright chester in the said Province Gent was Sumoned to answer unto Robert Carvile One of the Attornyes of this Court according to the priviledges &c of a plea that he render unto him the sume of twelve hundred pounds of tobacco which to him he oweth & unjustly deteineth &c. And whereupon the Said Robert in his proper person Saith that whereas the Said Arthur upon the Second day of October in the yeare of Our Lord One thousand Six hundred Seventy two by his certaine bill or writeing Obligatory Sealed with the Seale of him the Said Arthur and here in Court produced whose date is the day and |
Volume 65, Page 603 View pdf image (33K) |
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