15, 18, 25, 26, 47, 54, 63, 92,
97, 100, 104, 106, no, 113,
114, 119, 127, 131, 132, 133,
135, 138, 152, 157, 168, 172,
183, 186, 190, 192, 193, 199,
209, 211, 218, 219, 288, 289,
293, 294, 296, 208, 299, 303,
313, 3i6, 3i7, 319, 323, 326,
343, 346, 350, 35i, 360, 363,
368, 379, 395, 404, 419.
Rieger, Simon, 540.
Rigbie, James, 579.
N., 579-
Rigdon, Alexr., 579.
Thos. Baker, 579.
Riggen, Charles, 507.
James, 510.
Riggin, John, 516.
Obid, 517.
Teagu, 516.
Riley, Eduard, 573.
Francis, 574.
Thomas, 507.
Rind, Alexander, 117.
Jakob, 557; see also Kind.
Ringgold, Thomas, Esqr. (Kent
County), xxiii, xliii, lxii,
xciii, xciv, cv, 17, 25, 29,
49, 116, 137, 143, 144, 145,
147, 151, 156, 170, 174, 175,
176, 177, 180, 181, 187, 189,
206, 325, 340, 341, 343, 344,
346, 348, 352, 353, 357, 359,
360, 361, 370, 373, 377, 384;
on Comm. to address the
Governor and the Upper
House, Ivii, 176, 177; on
Comm. to answer the Gov-
ernor's speech, xcv, 139,
206, 355, 389, 406; on
Comm. to answer the Upper
House, 409; on Comm. on
compass variations, xlix,
36i, 375-376; on Comm. to
confer over the Journal of
Accounts, lxv, 106, 112, 176,
181; on Comm. to corre-
spond with Charles Garth,
403; on Comm. of corre-
spondence, 63, 64, 216, 218;
on Comm. to enquire into
the Proprietary's receipt of
fines and forfeitures, xxi, 21,
142, 195; on Comm. to esti-
mate amount and defraying
of judges' salaries, 344; on
Comm. to explain rejection
of Indian petition, 337-338,
365; on Comm. to inspect
the Loan Office, 107, 115,
118, 177; on Comm. to in-
spect the payment of the
public claims, xlv, 284, 321-
323; on Comm. to inspect
the public offices and rec-
ords, 18, 140; on Comm.
to pay the public claims,
185-186, 332; on Comm. to
regulate inns and ordinaries,
xxii, 22; on Comm. to re-
port on criminal laws, 369;
on Comm. to state facts on
Indian affairs, 333-334; a
manager of the lottery, lxvii,
217; motions by, 22, 147,
174, 175 J opposition of, to
quarantine, xciii-xcv, 207;
sent by the Lower House, 3,
18, 92, 105, 140, 155, 175,
281, 283, 307, 317, 326, 329,
386, 404, 419; votes, 24, 151,
154, 155, 173, 178, 179, 194,
198, 201, 2O7, 208, 210, 348,
352, 354, 362, 368, 369, 372,
377, 379, 380, 383, 384, 387,
392, 418.
Rion, Patrick, 544.
thomas, 543.
Risteau, George (Baltimore
County), xcii, 563.
Riston, John, 561.
Ristone, Benjamin, 537.
Rite, John, 545.
ritt - -, Ludwig, 557.
Roach, Charles, 515.
John, 515.
Jonathan, 515.
William, 515.
Road, Hunting Creek-Dover,
Supplementary act concern-
ing, 3°6, 308, 312, 314, 346,
382, 386, 388, 394, 395, 396,
458-459 (text).
Road laws, Need for improve-
ment of, xliv, 282, 286-287,
Roads, Christopher, 558.
Roads, public, Act to repair, 195,
202; see also Baltimore
County, roads of, Act for
Robarts, Roger, 571.
Robartson, Richd., Senr., 570.
Robert, Leven, 527.
Roberts, Benjamin, 539.
Billingslea 575.
Jacob, 539.
Jas, 543.
John, 529.
Richardson, 544.
Samuel, 95, 247, 541.
Thomas, 95, 247.
Robinson, Abraham, 577.
Charles, 574.
David, 366.
Edward, 576.
G, 550.
George (will, 1696), 33.
Henry, 569.
Isaac, 577.
James, 549.
John, 533, 577.
Richard, Junr., 573.
William, Junr., 573.
Robison, george, 526.
Thos.. 56=;.
Walter, 572.
Rody, Peter, 296.
Rock, Henry, 532.
Roddey, Sam, 536.
Rodenberger[?], Johannes, 557.
Rodgers, James, 527.
John, 577.
Thos., 574.
Rohrung, Andreas, 543.
Rogers, Benj., 547.
Benjamin, lxxxvii, xci, 298,
371, 385, 525, 529, 535, 541,
Charles, 526, 533.
Jno., 547.
Joshua, 114, 187, 247.
Nicholas, 541.
Richard, 542.
T, 532.
William, 499.
Roles, Richd, 527.
Rolles, Christopher, 546.
William, 546.
Roman Catholics, see Papists.
Rose, Edward, 544.
Ross, Dr. David, of Prince
George's County, lxxvii,
101, 126, 150, 203; see also
Duncastle, John.
George, 541.
John, 525, 540, 559-
John, late Clerk of the Coun-
cil, and of the Upper House,
319, 320, 409, 410, 414.
Richard, 572.
Thos., 578.
Rosse, Rev. John, lxxii.
Round, Edward, 508.
Rousby, John, 165, 166.
Rouse, John, 559.
Row, John, 297.
Rowland, Thomas, 530.
Rowles, David, 531.
J, 551-
Rownd, James, 508.
Rowntree, Tho, 577.
Rub, Jacob, 558.
Michael, 558.
Riihbortz, Jacob, 559.
Ruff, Danl., 569.
Henry, 578.
Ruffe, John, 296.
Ruhl, George, 561.
Rul.f.], Jacob, 558.
Rust (on arms and ammuni-
tion), lxxxii, 364.
Ruth, Moses, 569.
Thos., 572.
Rutledge, Ephraim, 532.
Rutlidge, John, 548.
Rutter, Henry, 524.
Thomas, 525.
Thomas, Jun, 525.
Ryely, Denness, 529.
Sadler, William, 541.
St. Ann's Parish, Anne Arundel
County, xliv, lxxiv, lxxv-
Ivxvi, rvi. 303
St. George's Parish, Baltimore
County, lxx, 521.