Keley, William, 575.
Kell, William, 539.
Kellam, Isaac, 507.
Joshua, 507.
William, 507.
Keller, Lorentz, 559.
Kelley, Charls, 533.
James, 531, 551.
James, Juiner, 542.
Nathan, 531.
William, 535, 571.
Kelly, James, D. Creek, 527.
Kelsick, Neomie, 6, 26, 68.
Kely, Jonathan, 575.
Kemp, William, 538.
Kenly, Daniel, 577.
Kennedy, James, 578.
Thomas, 577.
Kennedy, John, 312.
Kent County, 97, 99; Delegates
of, xlv, 17, 92, 325, 341;
Free School, Petition of the
visitors of, 296, 360, 373;
Petition of the inhabitants
of, 287, 343, 346; visitors of
free school of, Act empow-
ering, to lease land, liii,
306, 308, 314, 324, 360, 373,
386, 388, 396, 398, 419, 420,
459-460 (text).
Kernachun, Hugh, 576.
Key, Edmund, deceased (St.
Mary's County), xxvi, 20.
Philip, xix, xxvi.
Thomas (St. Mary's County),
xxvi, 93, 143-144, 158, 203,
337, 34i, 347, 370, 387 J sent
by the Lower House, 94,
113, 127, 133, 146, 186, 207,
218, 317, 400, 404, 412;
votes, 151, 154, 179, 194, 201,
207, 208, 210, 347, 354, 363,
368, 369, 387, 392, 418.
Keys, John, 543.
Keyth, John, 539.
Kidd, John, 575.
Kidlay[?], James, 559.
Kidwell, Benjamin, 296.
Kiel, Gisper, 559.
Kiener, Fetter, 559.
Killiam, John, Jnr., 517.
Kimble, Sam, 574.
Kimbol, John, of Frederick
County, 372.
Kind, see Rind.
Kindall, William, 545.
King, Mitchell, 297.
Nathaniel, 297.
Richard, 499.
Robert, 535.
William, 543, 558.
King and Queen Parish, St.
Mary's County, xlvii-xlviii,
lxx, 410-411.
King in Council, see Great
Britain, King in Council.
Kings Mill Chapel, Somerset
County, lxxiii-ixxiv, 227,
Kings Town Warehouse, 244.
kinnar, Andreu, 572.
kinnard, Michall, 571.
Kirbel, Johannes, 557.
Kirchner, Joh: Caspar, V. D.
M., 561.
Kirk Patrick, John, 574.
Kirkman, George, lxxx, 337.
Kitely, William, 575.
Kitten, Thos., 526.
Kleh, Nickles, 561.
Knight, Benjamin, 564.
David, 565.
George, 565.
Henry, 577.
Michel, 565.
Knock, Thomas, 95, 247.
Knott, Ephraim, 578.
George, 578.
Knowles, John, 6, 26, 68.
Kobersteinf ?], Gorg, 557.
Koch, Georg, 561.
Krammer, Fetter, 560.
Kraf [Graf], Christian, 561.
Krapf, Caspar, 561.
Kro - - -, Michael, 527.
Kroesen, John, 580.
Nichlas, 580.
Richard, 580.
Lain, Danniel, 560.
Lainy, John, 536.
Lamar, Robert, 95, 247, 295, 353,
Lamars, John, 562,
Lambden, Thomas, 117, 515.
Thomas, Junr., 516.
Lammond, John, 296.
Lament, Neal, 535.
Lancaster, William, 95, 247.
Land Office, Liber C. No. 3,
transcribing of, 219.
Records of, lxxxiii, 34, 34-38
62, 355-356, 404; sec also
L. H. Comm. to inspect pub-
lic offices.
Register of, 404.
Land tax, 118, 322.
Lane, Dutton, 558.
John, 531, 559-
Samuel, 533, 558.
Thomas, 539.
Lang, Heinrich (Henry Long)
Lang f?], John, 550.
Lange, George, 570.
Lankford, David, 516.
Ezekie, 515.
Lant, John, 534.
Lantz[?], Johannes, 559.
Laramore, Levin, 5, 25, 68.
Laremore, Jno., 544.
Larramore, Levin, 510.
Larsch, Valentine, 500, 529.
Lathim, John, 577.
Lattimer, Mark, 296.
Laughlin, Nathan, 572.
Lautenschleger, Fillipp, 558.
Law, Act for amending and de-
claring in the cases men-
tioned, Hi, 307, 310, 317, 318,
324, 371, 382, 387, 401, 403,
404, 406, 419, 420, 482-485
Laws, criminal, Doubt as to
validity of, xliv, xlvii,
lxxxii, 282, 287, 327.
Laws, Elijah, 506.
Laws, expiring, Act to continue,
8, 48.
Laws of the province, Manner
of passage of, 16, 99.
Laws of this province, speedy
and effectual publication of,
Act for the, 119, 123, 135,
143, 174, 192, 198, 199, 220,
238-24 1 ( text ); see also
Green, Jonas, Act for the
encouragement of: Green,
Anne Catharine.
Laws, Session, Printing of, by
Green, 238, 512.
Lawson, Alexander, xc, 253,
254, 255, 256, 257, 541.
Lawsuits, aggrievances in prose-
cuting, Act to relieve
xxxvii, 106-107, 113, 135,
142-143, 147, 177, 185, 186,
219, 230-23 1 (text).
Layfield, George, Justice, Wor-
cester County, 505, 506, 509,
Isaac, 516.
Thomas, 516.
Leafe, Jacob, 524.
League, James, 548.
Jonas, 549.
Moses, 548.
Leakin, James, 526.
Leatherbury, Abel, 533.
Leatherwood, Edward, 564.
Samuell, 564.
Leavins, Henry, 534.
Leavirs, Thomas, 534.
Lebley, William, 385.
Lecompte, Philemon (Dorches-
ter County), 17, loo, 156.
181, 193, 194, 341; sent by
the Lower House, 4, 21, 118,
119, 190, 191; votes, 24, 168,
169, 173, 178, 179-
Lee, Corbin (Baltimore
County), lxxxvii, 51, 96,
149, 178, 181, 194, 195, 298;
sent by the Lower House,
12, 57, 98, 127, 131, 132, 155,
173, 207, 211, 213, 214;
votes, 55, 57, 6o, 151, 154,
155, 168, 169, 173, 178, 179,
194, 198, 201, 207, 208, 210.
John, 534, 570.
Josiah, 579.
Phil Rd Frans., 524.
Richard, Esqr. (U. H.), xxvi,
xli, xlii, 3, 121; Naval of-
ficer, 1 1 6, 117; sent by the
Upper House, 7, 8, n, 12,