The gentleman took his seat in the house
Ordered that M.r Jennings and M.r Johnson be added to the
committee of aggrievances, and Courts of justice.
M.r Reverdy Ghiselin certifies to the house, that he qualified M.r
Basil Wheeler as clerk to the committees of this house, in the usual
On taking into consideration, the amendments proposed by the
upper house to the bill entitled an act to prevent the evils arising
from the manumission of slaves; the same were rejected.
On taking into consideration the amendments proposed by the
upper house to the bill entitled an act for amending and declaring the
law in the cases therein mentioned; The 1.st 2,d 3,d and 4.th amend-
ments agreed to, the 5.th disagreed to; the 6,th 7,th and 8.th agreed to.
Ordered that the gentlemen who drew the said bill, do prepare a
message to the upper house, upon the subject matter of the 5.th
Benedict Calvert esquire from the upper house delivers to M.r
speaker, a bill entitled an act for building a parish church and chapel
of ease in saint Johns parish in Queen Anns County, indorsed: By
the upper house of assembly June 20th 1768. Read the first and
second time by an especial order and will pass.
Sign'd by order U. Scott cl: up: ho:
A bill entitled an act for the relief of certain languishing prisoners
in the several Jails therein mentioned; indorsed: By the upper house
of Assembly June 18.th 1768. Read the first time and ordered to
lie on the table.
Sign d by order U. Scott cl: up: ho:
By the upper house of assembly June 20.th 1768 Read the second
time and will pass
Signd by order, U. Scott cl: up: ho:
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 20
Which Bills were read here, and passed for ingrossing, Also the
paper Bill, entitled, an Act to give Thomas Harrison further time
to effect the Removal of a Nuisance, in Baltimore Town in Baltimore
County; indorsed by the upper House of Assembly, June 20, 1768:
The ingrossed Bill, whereof this is the [original], read and as-
sented to. Signed by Order U, Scott, Cl, Up Ho,
Also a Bill, entitled, an Act for the Relief of the Reverend John
M.cpherson, of Charles County; indorsed, "By the Upper House of
Assembly, June 20, 1768: Read the first and second time, by especial
Order, and will pass, with the following Amendments. After word
"arising." in the 4.th Line from the Bottom of the 1.st page, add the
following Words Viz "and which shall arise" After the word
"County," in the 2d page, and in the 3.d Line from the Bottom thereof
add, "or any Other parish within this province," Leave Out, in the
p. 535