M.r Hollyday, M.r M Tilghman and M.r Jennings, do prepare and
bring in the same.
Benedict Calvert esquire from the upper house delivers to M.r
speaker a bill entitled an act to remedy the inconveniencies arising
from the loss of some proceedings in saint Marys County court;
indorsed "By the upper house of assembly, June 7.th 1768. Read
the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
Sign'd by order UScott clk up: ho:
By the upper house of assembly, June 8.th 1768: Read the
second time and will pass.
Sign'd by order UScott clk up: ho:
Which bill is read here and pass'd for ingrossing
On resuming the consideration of the order of the day, for
taking into consideration that part of his excellency's speech, that
respects the variation of the compass, M.r Ringgold, M.r Beall,
M.r Steele, M.r Moale, M.r Harrison, M.r Dickinson, M.r M
Tilghman, M.r Johnson and M.r Wright are appointed a com-
mittee to confer with Mess.rs Prigg and Calder, Mathematicians;
and report to the house their opinions of the proper measures to
be taken to remedy the evils arising therefrom.
On motion, leave given to bring in a bill entitled an additional
supplementary act to the act entitled, an act for the establishment
of religious worship &c.a Ordered that M.r Johnson, M.r Holly-
day, M.r Ringgold, M.r Murdock, M.r M. Tilghman, M.r Chase, M.r
Allen and M.r Paca do prepare and bring in the same.
On motion, ordered that a bill be brought in for relief of such
persons, being protestants, who conscientiously scruple the taking
of an oath; and that M.r Jennings, M.r Luckett, M.r Chase and
M.r Bordley do prepare and bring in the same
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 8