Volume 60, Page 457 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674. 457 two hundred eighty eight perches, to a bounded Oake thence North Liber E East one hundred perches to A bounded oake thence untill it comes to the first bound Tree, Contayning and now layd out For, two hundred acres more or lesse, together wth all the rightes & Beneffitts thereunto belonging & alsoe all Pattents, deedes, writeings, Evi- dences, Touching or concerning the same, To have & to hold the said Parcell of land, & all & singuler the bargained premisses unto him the sd Fra: Furnis his heyres & Assignes for ever To the onely proper use & behoofe of him the sayd Furnis His heirs & Assignes For ever, & the Wm Boyden for himselfe his heyres, Executors, & Administra- tours, doth herby Covenant, & grante to & wth the sd Fra: Furnis, his heyres & Assignes, tht he the sd Will Boyden, his heyres, Execu- tours, & And Administratours, the said parcell of lande, ande all Other The Bargained premisses, unto him the sd Fra: Furnis, his heyres & assignes, agst all persons whatsoever, shall & will warrant and for ever hereafter defende, by thesse presents, the rentes and services hereafter to become deue to the Lorde Proprietary For the same alwayes Excepted, and foreprized & Further that the sd wm Boyden his heirs & Assignes shall and will from time to time, and att all times hereafter dureing the space of seaven yeares, att the request & att the proper cost, & chardge, in the law of him the said Fra: Furnis, his heirs and Assignes, make, doe, Execute, & suffer and cause to be made, done, Executed, & suffered, all & Every such Further and other Act or acts, thinge or thinges, device or devices, Assurance or Assurances, wtsoever in the premises for the better Assureing, and more sure makeing of the before bargained Premisses, unto him the sd Fra: Furnis his heirs & Assignes for ever, be it by inrolement of thesse pressentes fine Feofmt or otherwise, or by any other such lawfull wayes or meanes, As by him the sd Francis Furnis, his heyres & Assignes, or his or their Councell Learned in the law shall reasanoubly be deviced, advized nr required, In Wittness whereof the parties to thesse Indentures have hereunto interchange- ably sett their handes & sealles the day & yeare above writtenTestibus Richard Edelen William Boyden (Locus Edward Price Sigilli) John Bissick Acknowledgeth this inseweing Conveyance of land unt John Davis This Indenture made the day of June Annoq Domini 1673 Between John Bissick of Charles County in the Province of Maryaland of the one part and John Davis of the same County on the other part, Wittnesseth tht the sd John Bissick as well for and in Consideration of the Full & just summe of two Twoe thousand Five hundred poundes of tobacco in caske, in hand payd by the sd John Davis the receipt whereof the John Bissick doth hereby Acknowledge, and thereof & of every part & parcell thereof doth hereby absolutely, & clearely Exonerate Acquitt, & for ever dischardge, the said John Davis his |
Volume 60, Page 457 View pdf image (33K) |
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