Volume 60, Page 401 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674. 401 John Harvey demands a writt agt Jno Mould, warrt to the She: Liber E ret. ut Supra non est inventus Sheriffs ret. Att a Court held for the Lord Propryetary in Charles County the 10th day of September, Anno Dni 1672. Commishoners prsent: Mr Hen: Adams Mr Tho: Mathews Mr John Stone Mr Ignatius Causine Mr John Bowles Mr John Douglas Mr Robert Henly Mr Thomas Hussey Mr Stephen Mountague Richard Morris acknowledgeth this ensueing Conveyance of land unto Sander Smith of this County This Indenture made the twentyeth day of Septembr in the fortyeth yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius Annoq Dmi 1672: By and Betweene Richard Morris of the County of St Maryes in this Prov- ince planter of the one part, and Allexander Smith of Charles County in the aforesaid Province of the other part, Witnesseth tht the sd Rich Morris f or and in consideracon of the quantity of three thou- sand pounds of tobacco unto him the said Richard Morris before the ensealeing and delivery of these prsents by the said Smith well & truely payd the receipt whereof the said Richard Morris doeth hereby acknowledge and him selfe therewith fully Satisfyed con- tented and paid and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof doeth clearely acquitt exonerat and discharge the said Allexander Smith his heyres Executors and Administrators and every of them forever by these prsents hath given granted bargained aliened Sould assigned and Set over, and by these prsents doeth give grant bargayne Sell assigne and sett over unto him the said Allexander Smith his heyres and assignes forever all that parcell or Tract of Land lyeing Scituate and being in Charles County aforesd upon the west side of Wiccomaco fresh adjoyneing to the land of William Barton Junr formerly Sold by Daniell Johnson deceased to him the said Rich Morris Butting and Bounding as followeth, To say be- [fol. 72] gining at begining of John Clarkes bound tree bounding on the west by a lyne drawne South and by east from the sd oake for length one hundred and Sixty pches to a marked oake on the South by a lyne east and by South for breadth one hundred pches to a marked Guffie in a Swamp on the east by a lyne drawne North and by west into a parcell of land after menconed the above sd land layd out for two hundred acres more or lesse allso another tract of land be- gining in the South lyne of the sd land aforesd being the west bound at a marked oke bounding on the South by a lyne drawne east South east for breadth fifety pces to a marked oake in a Swamp on the East by a lyne drawne North North east from the oake for 29 |
Volume 60, Page 401 View pdf image (33K) |
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