312 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 20, 1765.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
Thousand and fifty three, Somerset County three Thousand and
ten Worcester County, two Thousand eight hundred and Eighty
one Caecil County two Thousand Eight hundred and thirty Eight
and Calvert County Ninteen hundred and Ninety which said re-
spective Sums of Tobacco the Justices of the several County Courts
within this Province are hereby impowered and required to allow and
Assess in their respective County Levies Annually, during the Con-
tinuance of this Act together with the Sheriffs Salary of five
Pounds per Cent for collecting the same and the Several Sums of
Tobacco so to be allowed and Assessed as aforesaid, shall be col-
lected by the Sheriff of each respective County, and yearly paid by
[His Duty
for such
them respectively, free from any Abatement or Deduction to the
said Jonas Green or his Order for printing stitching, covering with
Marble or blue Paper and delivering a Copy of the Publick Laws
made this present Session of Assembly by the first day of May in
the year One Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six and the
Votes and proceedings of the Lower House of Assembly of this
present Session by the tenth day of May in the year of our Lord
one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six, and also a Copy of the
Laws of any future Session within three Months, and of the
Votes and proceedings of the Lower House of Assembly within
four Months respectively, after the end of every Such session, during
the Continuance of this Act, to the Governor and each member of
p. 581
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and one Book of the
Votes and proceedings to the Clerk of each House and three Books
of the Votes and proceedings aforesaid to the Clerks of the several
and respective County Courts for the Perusal of the Inhabitants
of the Several and respective Counties and a Copy of the Publick
Laws during the Continuance of this Act, to every Provincial &
County Magistrate and a Copy of each Law bound up in Leather, to
each house of assembly, the high Court of Appeals, the Provincial
Court and to each County Court within this Province unless he
shall be hindred by the Death of his hands employed in the Press
or by Sickness or the unavoidable Accident of his Press Breaking
[His al-
lowance in
case of no
And be it likewise enacted, that if it should so happen, that in any
Year during the Continuance of this Act, there should not be any
Session of Assembly held within this Province whereby the said
Jonas Green may be enabled to print Laws and deliver them within
such Year that then and in such Case there shall be allowed to
the said Jonas Green the several and respective Sums of Tobacco in
the several Counties within this Province following to wit in Balti-
more County four thousand one hundred and seventy Annarundel
County three thousand four hundred and fforty Charles County
three thousand one hundred and Eighty Prince Georges County
three thousand and Ninety six Frederick County two thousand
seven hundred and Ninety five Queen Anns County two thousand
seven hundred and six Saint Mary's County two thousand four