An Act for prohibiting all Trade with the Indians for the Time
therein mentioned expired the Day of Nov.r 1764
All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of this
Honourable House
Signed per Order Turbutt Wright Clk
John Ridout Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to Mr Speaker
a petition of Samuel Tannehill and John Brashear languishing
Prisoners in prince Georges County Goal A petition of John Barnes
a languishing Prisoner in Calvert County Goal And the petition of
Barton Lucas Severally Indorsed By the Upper House of Assembly
Referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly
which petitions were here read the first Time and Ordered to lye
on the Table
Benedict Calvert Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to Mr
Speaker the Bill Entituled an Act for the Benefit of the poor and
Encouragement of Industry Indorsed By the Upper House of As-
sembly Nov.r 21. 1765.
Read the 2.d Time and will pass with the following Amendment
Strike out the first proviso beginning in the Line and insert
the following Proviso Viz
Provided that the Linnen for which the Bounty as afs.d is to be
given and allowed in pursuance and by Virtue of this Act shall com-
pleatly in all and every Respect be Manufactured (after the swingling
the Flax or Hemp) by white persons within this province And that
the said Linnen shall be made of Flax or Hemp of the Growth of
this province and that such Proof shall be made of the said
Manufacture and Growth as the Justices in the County Court to