L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
March 19
Ordered, That Mr. Charles Goldsborough and Mr. James Tilgh-
man do prepare and bring in the same.
Mr. John Goldsborough brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the
following Report:
By the Committee of Elections and Privileges, March 19th, 1762.
Your Committee having inspected the several Writs for Electing
Delegates and Citizens to serve in this General Assembly, do find,
That Messieurs Henry Greenfield Sothoron, Edmund Key, George
Plater, and John Hall, Delegates of St. Mary's County, are duly
That Messieurs William Smallwood, John Trueman Stoddert,
George Dent, and John Hanson, Delegates of Charles County, are
duly Returned.
That Messieurs Charles Grahame, James John Mackall, Benjamin
Mackall, and Edward Gantt, Delegates of Calvert County, are duly
That Messieurs William Murdock, Mordecai Jacobs, Josias Beall,
and Francis Waring, Delegates of Prince-George's County, are duly
That Messieurs Thomas Johnson, junior, John Hammond, Brice
Thomas Beale Worthington, and Henry Hall, Delegates of Anne-
Arundel County, are duly Returned.
That Messieurs John Paca, Thomas Cockey Deye, John Ham-
mond Dorsey, and Corbin Lee, Delegates of Baltimore County, are
duly Returned.
That Messieurs Benton Harris, Parker Selby, William Allen, and
Peter Chaille, Delegates of Worcester County, are duly Returned.
p. 14
That Messieurs William Hayward, William Waters, John Adams,
and William Adams, Delegates of Somerset County, are duly Re-
That Messieurs Henry Hooper, Joseph Cox Gray, Daniel Sulivane,
and Charles Goldsborough, Delegates of Dorchester County, are
duly Returned.
That Messieurs Pollard Edmondson, James Tilghman, John
Goldsborough, and William Thomas, Delegates of Talbot County,
are duly Returned.
That Messieurs Robert Lloyd, Edward Tilghman, James Holly-
day, and Thomas Wright, Delegates of Queen-Anne's County, are
duly Returned.
That Messieurs William Hynson, Richard Lloyd, Simon Wilmer,
and Thomas Ringgold, Delegates of Kent County, are duly Returned.
That Messieurs Michael Earle, Henry Baker, Francis Mauldin,
and William Ward, Delegates of Caecil County, are duly Returned.