450 Assembly Proceedings, October 4-November 26, 1763.
Cratchers ferry under one Inspection at the late Henry Ennalls Jun.r
his Warehouse at Choptank Ferry under one Inspection At Edward
Whites Warehouse on little Choptank under one Inspection at
Plymouth Warehouse on fishing Creek under one Inspection At
Vienna Town on the Land of Joshua Edmonson under one In-
spection In Cecil County at ffrederick Town with George Town
in Kent County on Sassafras River under one and the same
Inspection At John Hollands at Bohemia Ferry under one Inspection
In Baltimore County at Baltimore Town on the West side of the
Falls on the Land of Thomas Harrison under one Inspection at
Joppa at the Ferry Landing near the Point House on Gunpowder
River and at the Fork of Gun Powder at the Old Landing under
one Inspection At Otter Pond Landing near the Red CH f t on Bush
River under one Inspection at John Loneys on Swan Creek and at
the Rock run on Susquehanna River under one Inspection In Prince
Georges County at Queen Anne Town on Patuxent River under
one Inspection at Upper Marlborough on the Land of Joseph Sim
under one Inspection, at Nottingham on the Land of James Rus-
sell under one Inspection, on the Land of Alexander Magruder
under one Inspection, At Bladensburgh on the Land of Doct.r David
Ross under one Inspection, at Broad Creek on the Land of the Late
Humphrey Ball under one Inspection, At Piscattaway on the Land
of the late John Hawkins Junior Deceased under one Inspection,
In Queen Annes County on Samuel Blunts Dwelling Plantation
under one Inspection, at Charles Browns Landing under one In-
spection, at the Head of Corsica Creek on the Land of William
Hopper under one Inspection, At the House commonly called Porters
Warehouse on the Land late of William Campbell under one In-
spection, At the House commonly called Wells Warehouse on
Chester River under one Inspection, At Pembertons Warehouse
p. 463
under one Inspection, At Choptank Bridge under one Inspection,
In Worcester County at Colo Scarboroughs Warehouse in Snow
Hill Town under one Inspection, at the Warehouse in Newport
Town under one Inspection, At Broad Creek on the North side
at the Wading Place under one Inspection, In Frederick County
near the Mouth of Rock Creek the Rolling House which George
Gordon Built under one Inspection
And there shall be paid to the several Inspectors to be Appointed
to Attend in Virtue of this Act at the said Several Warehouses the
[St Mary's
Sallaries hereinafter mentioned, To each Inspector in St Marys
County at Chapticoe on the Land of Philip Key Six thousand four
hundred Pounds of Tobacco to each Inspector On a Plantation
where a Certain Gilbert Mackey lives to the Inspector five Thousand
six hundred Pounds of Tobacco At St Innegoes on the Land of
Stephen Milburn five Thousand six hundred Pounds of Tobacco
to the Inspector at Wiccomico on the Land of John Llewellen Six