Gentlemen of the Lower house Of Assembly
I herewith send you a Letter that I lately received from S.r Jeffery
Amherst Commander in Chief of all his Majestys Forces on this
Continent, the Contents of which I recommend to your Consideration,
and hope you will prepare an Act for prohibiting for a time the
trade he is anxious to put a Stop to.
Hor.o Sharpe, the 15.th of Oct.r 1763
and the following letter from S.r Jeffry Amherst (Vizt)
New York 7.th Septr 1763
I have Already Sent Orders to the Commanding Officers at the
Several Posts to Stop all Traders from carrying any Supplys to the
Indians; But as I think this of the utmost Consequence, I mus
Request you will be pleased to give the Necessary Directions for
Stopping all kind of Commerce with any of the Tribes of Savages
from your Province; for I suspect there are people mad Enough,
for the sake of gain, that would Venture, notwithstanding the
present disturbances, to Carry Supplys to the Indians; and I know
of nothing that can tend more Effectually to Crush the Barbarians,
than the prohibition of Trade, as they certainly cannot carry on their
Hostilities much longer, unless they do receive fresh Supplys, and
they have no way of getting these Supplys but from us.
I am with great Regard
S' your most Obedient h.ble Serv.t
Jeff. Amherst.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Oct. 15
Which Message and Letter were read.
On reading his Excellency the Governors Message and Sir Jeffery
Amhersts letter the 2.d time.
Resolved that this house will take the same into consideration this
On Motion of Col.o Tilghman Resolved that for the future the
name of every Gentleman who may make a Motion in the house be
incerted in the Entry that may be made in consequence thereof
On Motion of Mr James Tilghman Resolved that this house will
on Tuesday next take into consideration that part of his Excellencys
Speech relative to the trade and Commerce of this Province.
The house Adjourns untill 2. of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The house met according to Adjournment &c.a
The Order of the day being read the house took into consideration
his Excellency the Governors Message of this day with Sir Jeffery
Amhersts Letter.
p. 117