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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. 67 Called from the Bench where for that Court he Satt as Judge to give Liber FF his Testimony in a Cause depending betweene him the sayd Staple- fort and John Bayley of Calvert County Merchant in the presence of the sayd Court and hearing of very many of the good people of this Province then and there being openly and publiqly and faisly Scandalously and Malitiously Did speake utter publish and Proclayme That is to say You the said Thomas Sprigg meaneing are Con fedate with Bayley him the sayd John Bayley meaneing and have falsyfyed your Oath to the Lord Proprietary by reason of the Speaking and publishing of which false Feygned Scandalous and Malitious Words chargeing him the sayd Thomas with Hatefull Perjury and base breach of Trust the sayd Thomas not only in his good name Fame Estimacon and Reputacon aforesayd wherein he was before that tyme Endued is much hurt and made Worse but alsoe is brought in Danger of the Grevious Censure of the Governour and Councell and and Divers great Sumes of Money in this behalfe for the manifes- tacon and Cleering his Innocence in the Premisses was forced and [p. 303] Compelled to Lay out and Expend to the Dammage of the sayd Thomas Sprigg Five hundred pounds sterling And thereof hee bringeth his sute Thomas Sprigg Plaintiffe The deft put's in his answere (uizt) The Reymd Staplefort Deft Defendant Demurreth in law, that who- soeuer informeth On behalfe of the King Cannot be Molested nor Sued for his informacon let it be right or wrong This answere not being allowed sufficient The Defendant was demanded, if he could proue those words spoken by him and sett downe in the Declaracon—Answered, I cann, being askt againe if he would doe it Answered, I could, then askt how hee Could, Answered att Prsent he could not for want of some meanes that is not at present wth hime Whereuppon it is Ordered, That the Defendt Reymound Staplefort be Committed into the Sherriffs Custody, there to lye and remaine untill hee giue in Sufficient Security for his appearance the next Prouinall Court to answere the said suite and abide Judgmt therein To the Honble the Gouernor and Councell of the prouince of Maryland William Lister Complaines agst John Gilson of Kingsaile in the Kingdom of Ireland for that whereas the said John Gilson hired the said William Lister as a marriner to sayle and doe the labor of a marriner in the Hopewell of Kingsale for and in Consideracon of which, the said Gilson did Assume uppon himselfe to pay unto the said Lister forty shillings p month wages, And for that whereas [p. 3041 the said William Lister for & during the space of four months and twenty dayes or thereabouts in the said Hopewell of Kingsale did sayle and the labor of a marriner did doe whereby there became due 9 |
Volume 57, Page 67 View pdf image (33K) |
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