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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. 31 Confess Judgmt for the said debt of One thowsand Two hundred Liber FF pounds of tobaccoe To the honble the Gouernor & Councell In Prouinciall Court Assembled St Mary ss: Wm Smyth of St Marys aforesaid Complaines agst william Price of Charles County in the Prouince aforesaid, for that whereas the William Price stands endebted unto yor Comptt: by bond bearing date 7th Octobr 1664 in the Suffle of Thirety Thow- sand pounds of tobacco & Caske as by the said Bond upon Record in this Court will appeare, Now soe it is that the said Price utterly denyeth and still doth deney to pay the same unto yor petr to his [p. 238] great damage whereuppon hee bringeth his accon, and prayeth Order of this honble Court for speedy paymt thereof & Cost of Suite And he shall pray &c: Wm Smyth plt: The defendt for Answere saith That the plt: is Wm Price deft fsattisfyed his debt a Plantacon of the deft3, now in his possession Tho: Paine sworne in ditto Causo sayth That he bought of the aforesaid Wm Price a Plantacon formerly Capt Wm Boarmans, and for the same this deponant sayth he pd for Nine thowsand pounds of tob: & upwards and further he saith not The deft desires time to send for his wittnesses to proue that the ptt: hath possest the said plantacon uppon the accompt of the said Debt Time granted untill tomorrow morning to the deft to proue that sattisfaccon is made according to the tenor of the Bond by the plts possessing of the said plantacon stock and Cattle. William Price demands summons for samll Prickloue and samuell Brockett to testifye in ditto Causo. Warrt to sherr: St Marys County to warne &c: Ret: tomorrow morning this prsent Cort The abouesaid Paine did declare uppon Oath that the said Price did sell him the plantacon since he past that Obligacon to william Smyth Mr John Morecroft Whereas there is an Accon of debt entred against me Fortune Mittford Admtrix of my husband Bulmer Mittford decd by mr John nuthall, I pray yoW appeare for mee and Confess Judgmt for 1200 lb tob: & Caske due to him the said mr John Nuthall by bond and this shall be yor warrant for soe doeing wittnes my hand this 2d Aprill 1666. Fortune Mitford Wittnes Thomas Gerrard |
Volume 57, Page 31 View pdf image (33K) |
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