Volume 54, Page 641 View pdf image (33K) |
Somerset County Court Proceedings, 1665-1668. 641 hundred & Fifty poles to a markt tree & from thence running North Liber B No. 1 east & by east the Length of three hundred twenty flue poles to the first bounder Containing by estimation three hundred acres more or lesse, Together with all pffitts & Cothodities whatsoever (royall Mines excepted) to the sd pce or parcell of land belonging or appertaining as more att lardge may appeare by pattent granted to the said Steven Horse Dated the twenty fourth day of February in the yeare of or Lord one thousand six hundred sixty & Fine To haue & to holde the said pce or parcell of land hereby demised unto the said unto Johnson his heires executrs admrs & assignes from the feast of St John the Baptist last past before the date hereof unto the full end & tearme of two hundred yeares from thence next ensueing & fully to be Corn- pleated & ended, Yeilding & paying therefore yearely & every yeare duering the sd tearme hereby graunted unto the said Steven horse his [p.33] heires or assignes one pepper Corne being lawfully demanded And the said Anthony Johnson for himselfe his heires executrs admrs & assignes & for every of them doth Covenante pmise & graunt to & with the said Steven Horse his heires & assignes by these prseflts That the said Anthony Johnson his executrs admrs & assignes shall & will Carefully pay or cause to be payde the Lords rents or other due or dues Fine or Fines the wch shall or may be imposed upon the prmisses & upon default thereof itt shall be lawfull for the said Steven Horse or his assignes to reenter upon the prmisses; And the said Anthony Johnson doth further pmise & grante for himself e his heires executrs & admrs att the end & determination of this prsent lease peaceable & quiettly shall leaue surrender & yeilld up unto the aforesd Steven Horse or his heires executes admrs or assignes; And the said Steven Horse for himself e his heires & assignes doth Cove nant pmise & graunt to & with the sd Anthony Johnson his heires & assignes by these ptsents That the said Anthony Johnson his executrs admrs or assignes under & according to the rent & Covenants afore said on his & their part to be paid & pformed shall peaceable & quietly haue hold possesse & enioye the said pcs or parcell of Land before by theis prsents demised duering the tearme of two hundred yeares hereby graunted without any lett denyall or Contradiction of or by the said Steven Horse his heires or assignes or any of them or of any other person or persons whatsoever by his or their meanes act assent or pcuremt In Wittnes whereof the said parties to theis prsent Inden tures severally haue sett their hands & seales the day & yeare aboue written his Signed sealed & delivered Anthony Johnson in the presence of Will Thorne: Marke Will Stevens Entred the 1 0th September 1666 41 |
Volume 54, Page 641 View pdf image (33K) |
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