Volume 54, Page 548 View pdf image (33K) |
548Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. Liber BB ceased by Accott, the Said Simond proues his Accott The Courtt No.2 hath ordred that Simond Harris be paid Twelue hundred & flue pounds of Tobacoe out of the Estate of Euan Thomas deceased: [p.—] To the Worshipll Comisscońs of Talbott County the Humble Pet ticon of John Foulor Humbly Sheweth That whereas Jno Hatton of this County the Last of August Came and Putt one young Child which Suckes to keepe for one yeare at the Rate of two hh of Tobacoe yeare and Since that: is Gon away Out of this Prouince and hath Left Sum Smale things at the house of Jno Hendricke and yor petticon is at Greate Trouble and Charge with the said Child Wherefore yor petticon desiers yor Worships to take his Condition into yor Judicious and Serious Consideration that what the said Hat- ton hath an Order may be granted to be seccured for the Child untill the sd Hatton Shall Come to make Sattisfaction and yor petticoń as in duty Bound shall Euer pray The Courtt hath ordred that Jno Foulor take the Estate of John Hatton his possession untill the Next Courtt Antho Mayl Declares that John Hatton is Indebted to him Six hundred and twenty one pounds of Tobacoe by Bill and Accompt and that he hath had two Writts agst the said Hatton Retorned Non est Inventus & that the said Hatton is Certainely Gonn out of this Prou ince and Therefore Cranes Attachment of this Court for his fore sd Debt The Courtt haueing Certaine Information that the said Jno Hatton is Gonn out of this Province & the sd Anthony Mayl Proueing his Bill and Accompt hath Ordred that Anthony Mayle haue Attachment agst the Estate of Jno Hatton for Six hundred and Twenty one pounds of tobacoe with Cortt Charges Whereas Henry Willcockes Arested Tho: Vaughan to this Courtt in an Accon of debt the Wilicocke Not Appeareing by him self e Nor by Any Lawfull Attorney The Courtt hath ordred that Tho: Vaughan haue a Non suite agst the said Henry Willcockes with Cost of suite [p.—] Jonath Hopkinson Plant In an Accon of debt the Plantiue Declares Wm: Younge Deift that the Deift william Younge is In debt to him one Thousand foure hundred and Sixty foure pounds of to bacoe & Caske and Proues his debt: which the Deift denys Not: The Courtt hath Ordred that the Defft William Younge make Present payment of one Thousand foure hundred & Sixty foure pound of Tobacoe and Caske with Cost of suite or Execution to follow: |
Volume 54, Page 548 View pdf image (33K) |
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