Volume 54, Page 541 View pdf image (33K) |
Talbot County Court Proceedings, 1662-1674. 541 Walter Rowles plt The Courtt hath ordred that Jno Radway Pay Liber BB Jno Radwy Defft unto Walter Rowles Sixteen hundred pound of No.2 Tobacoe: Walter Rowles pay Cost him self e Jno Padway Plt The Courtt hath Ordred that Walter Rowles Walter Rowles Defft pay unto Jno Radway a paire of Shoes with Cost of sute: Jno Griffwith is Ordred one hundred pounds of Tobacoe out of the Estate of Henry Hawkins estate Wm Worgan Plat John Willson Accknowledged Judgment for Jno Wilison Deffent one Thousand two hundred & Eighty Nine Robertt Stapiford pounds of Tobaco the Courtt hath ordred that Attorney the Plt Jn° Wilison pay the aboue said Debt with Cost of sute &c Jno Radway Attorney to Pinke Flat Walter Rowles deffendt Nonsuit 50lb Tobb Attorney Fees - 90 Attendace I Wittnes 2 day 6o 200 The Courtt Alloweth these fees Wm: Coursey Mr Jn° Brookes Robert Stapleford his Attorney Records Edward Williams Records Mr Petter Sayare his Attorney Mary Harris son sett free from a bargaine made with Mrs Tully [p. —] it being Proued that mrs Tully aifter she had gaue the said Mary Ernest that if She did Not like of the Bargin when her time was out with William young to giue her Notis she would not desier her Wm: Gary Plt The Plant: Declares that the Deift made a bar Fran: Martin Dfft gane for to Liue with him this Following yeare the Plat Could Not proue his Bargaine therefor the Courtt hath ordred the Deift a Nonsute Mihell Millor hath Recorded Mr Sayare his Attorney Wm: Sturdiuant Petticons to this for the Releass of horse which the Shiriff hath Seased on for being Brought into this Province Contrary to Act of Assembly The Courtt Considering that the Said |
Volume 54, Page 541 View pdf image (33K) |
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