Volume 53, Page 613 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 613 Wentworth of Charleses County in the Prouince of Mariland Planter Liber B of the one Party and Daniell Methenia of the sam County Planter of the other party witneseth that the sayd Thomas wentworth as well for and in Consideration of the Quantitie of three thousand pounds of tobacco and Caske for which three seuerall bills is past befor the ensealing and deliuery hearof by the sayd Daniell Methenia to bee payd as followeth eight hundered pounds of tobacco and Caske to bee payd on the tenth day of Nouember next ensuing the daet of thees presents twelue hundered pounds of tobacco and Caske to bee payd in the year of owr Lord one thouwsand six hundered sixty flue on the tenth day of Nouember one thowsand pounds of tobacco and Caske to bee payd on the tenth day Nouember in the year of owr Lord one thowsand six hundered sixty six whearof and whear- with the sayd Thomas Wentworth doth acknowledg himself Satis- fied Contented and Payd thearof and of Euery Part and Parcell thearof doth acquit and discharge the sayd Daniell Meteniah his heirs Executors Administrators and euery of them by thees Presents as also for diuers other good Causes and Considerations him hearunto moueing haue granted bargained sould Assigned set ouer and Con- firmed and by thees Presents doe fully Clearly and Absolutely grant bargaine sell Assigne set ouer and Confirme unto the sayd Daniell Methenia his heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes all that Parcell of land Called wentworth Wood house situate lung and beeing in Charleses County aformentioned Lung on the North side of Pas- catoway Riuer and on the south side of a Creeke (Called Matawo- men) in the sayd Riuer or St Thomas Creeke Next adioyning to the land of John wheeler begining at the sayd Wheelers Northermost bounded oake by the Creeke syde Runing East North East up the Creeke for breadth one hundered and fifty pearches to a marked Locus tree bounding on the East by a line drawne South and by East from the sayd Locus three hundered and twenty pearches on the south by a line drawne south west and by west from the end of the south and by east Line for breadth one hundered and fifty pearches untill it intercept a Parrarell drawne from the land of the sayd wheeler on the west with the sayd land and Parrarell on the North by the sayd Creeke Contayning by estimation three hundered Acres bee the same more or lesse all and singular which sayd parcell of land togeather with all and Singular Its Right Jurisdiction and Appurtenances with all howsess thearon Erected Easments tenements Orchargs Medows feeding Pasturs wood underwoods ways Profits Commodities here- [p. 511] ditaments and Appurtenances whatsouer unto the sayd Parcell of Land belonging or in any Mannor of ways Appertayning to haue and to hould the sayd Parcell of Land and all and Singular the Praemisses aformentioned to bee hearby bargayned and sould with the Appurtenances and euery part and Parcell thearof whatsoeuer befor Named or Receited unto the sayd Daniell Mathenia his heirs |
Volume 53, Page 613 View pdf image (33K) |
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