Volume 53, Page 56 View pdf image (33K) |
56 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. Liber A unto the sayd William heard of one peece or parcell of land Situat Lying and beeing upon Patomake Riuer hounded at a marked Locus ioyning upon Pasquehange Creekes mouth and so for breadth Run- ing north by the Riuer Side the full breadth of one hundered and fiftie Acres according unto the Suruay up towards Capt Jenkins his Land And for lenght from the sayd Locus Esterlie up into the woods to a white oake standing by a swamp side marked with three notches on the one side and tow notches on the other side beeing upon one side of the Land, and on the other side of the Land up into the woods to a marked gum with three notches one th one sid and too notches on the other side and so from the foresayd marked white oake easterlie up into the wood to make up the lenght of one hundered and fiftie Acres according to the ould Suruay as aforsayd and then at the head of the sd Land A line runing north flue hundered and twentie Pearches and from thence a line Runing west downe to the forsayd Marked Gum the sayd Land beeing by computatione one hundered and fiftie Acres as aboue sayd bee it more or les and I the sayd Samuell Parker doe hearby bind my selfe my heirs Execu- tors Administrators and Assignes unto the sayd william heard his heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes that hee or thay shal enioy the sayd Land Peaceablie & quietlie without let or Molestatione from any person or persons whotsomeuer as his or their owne proper [p. 72] land for euer as fimlie in euerie Respect as it is granted to mee by Pattent from the Lord Propriatorie of the sayd Prouince the Sayd William heard his heirs or Assignes paying yearlie the Rent dew to his Lordshipe for the sayd Parcel of Land and the sayd Samueli Parker doath bind himselfe his heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes unto the sayd William heard his heirs and Assignes that hee or thay Shal haue free passaidge to the Riuer Side with any mannor of goods or Chattels thorow the sayd Samuell Parkers owne Land, and to the trew performance hearof I haue interchangably set my hand and seale the day and year aboue wrighten Signed Sealed and Delliuered Samueli Parker in the Presence of This bill of Saile was acknowl William Craford edged in Court by the sayd Parker Umpher H P Pikeand his wife Joane to bee their his marke owne free act and deed testis George Thompson Clarke: Mr Hennerie Addames Prefereth his Petitione as falloweth To the Honourable Josias Fendall Gout & the Woripfl Commis- sioners of Charleses Countie the humble Petitione of Hennerie Ad- dames most humblie Sheweth 145 That whearas your Petitioner beeing appoynted by Mr Benjamin Gill to bee one of his Executors in the yeare of owr Lord one thow- sand Six hundered fiftie flue & the Sayd Gill soone after deceasing |
Volume 53, Page 56 View pdf image (33K) |
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