Volume 53, Page 501 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 501 Rights Profits & benifits thearunto belonging Royall mines excepted: Liber B to haue and to hould the same unto him the sayd Daniell Johnson his heirs and Assignes for euer to bee houlden of us and owr heirs as of owr Mannor of Zacheia in free and Common Soccage by fealty only for all mannor of saruices yealding and paying thearfor yearly unto us and owr heirs at owr Receit at St Maries at the too most usuall feast in year (Viz) at the feast of the Annuntiation of the blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St Michell the Archangell by euen and equall portion the rent of too shillings starling in siluer or gold or the full valew thearof as wee and owr heirs shall accept in discharge thearof at the Choice of us and owr heirs or such officer or officers as aforsayd giuen at St Maries under owr Under owr [p. 341] great seale of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland: this 27th day of June in the 32 year of owr dominion ouer owr sayd prouince of Mariland Ao Domini 1663 witnes owr dear sonne and heire Charles Caluert Esq owr Liuetennant Genrall of owr sayd Prouince of Mariland Charles Caluert Know all men by thees Present that I Daniell Johnson Gonf haue sould and deliuered with turf and twige in posession to william Bar ton Junior him his heirs or Assignes for euer the whole Right and titell of this Land within Mentioned and further doe acknowledg to haue receaued honest pay of the sayd william barton and to haue deliuered the sayd land in posession before the laet act of Assembly maed at St Maries Ao 1663 entituled an act for the Quiaet Posessions of lands and establishing the mannor of Conueiances of land for the futur: and befor my entring into mariag with my now wife: in acknowledging thearof I set my hand this 12th day of July Ao 1664 Witnes Josias Fendall Daniell Johnson Stephen Mountagew Mr Francis Pope as Administrator to Richard Smith Present a sar uant by name John baylie to haue his age iudged of who is iudged to bee between 15 & 16 years old It is ordered that John Neuills Attachment against Mr Henry hudsons goods bee Continued till the next Court: Mr George Bradshow Presents a saruant by name James Newall [p. 342] to haue his age iudged of who is judged to bee but fourteen years ould The Court is Adjourned till the Second tuesday in August: A jury impannell to yew the bodie of Elisabeth Johnson saruant unto Daniell Johnson and to the best of thear understandings wits and Powers to deliuer in thear verdit of and the Cause of her death beeing all sworne are as followeth (Viz) |
Volume 53, Page 501 View pdf image (33K) |
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