Volume 53, Page 469 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. 469 Know whom it may Concerne that I Abraham Rowse of Porto- Liber B bacco doe acknowledg my self indebted unto Edward Richardson of [r. 289] London his heirs Executors or Assignes the iust sum of four thow sand eight hundered pounds of good and well Conditioned tob: and Caske part whearof namly too thowsand and six hundered pounds I Promis to pay to the aboue sayd Richardson his heirs Executors or Assignes at or befor the tenth of nouember next ensuing the daet hearof the other moity namely too thowsand and too hundered pounds I promis lickwise to pay to the abouesayd Richardson his heirs Execu tors or Assignes at or before the next of Nouember next ensuing the formar tenth of Nouember aboue sayd which will bee in the year of owr Lord one thowsand six hundered and sixti four to the trew performance whearof I bind and macke ouer all mine my heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes Rights titles interest and Claimes of too thowsand Acres of land Lung at the head of yosooco meco Creeke in Patomake Riuer in Verginia in witnes whearof I haue hearunto set my hand and sealle this 7th of May 1664 Test George Monrow Abraham Rows 0 Gerrard fooke Richard Hope This bindeth mee Gerrard Sennet my heirs Executors or Admin istrators to pay unto Mr Edmond Custis of London Marchant and Cumpany his or their heirs Executor Administrators or Assignes the iust sum of one thowsand seauen hundered thirty and three pounds of good and well Conditioned tobacco and Caske to bee payd at my now dwelling hows at or befor the tenth of nouember next ensuing as witnes my hand and scale 6th of May 1664 Test George Thompson Gerrard+ + Sennet 0 James littelipage: This bindeth mee James Lendsey of Portobacco my heirs Execu tors or Administrators to pay unto Mr Edmond Custis of London Marchant and cumpani his or thear heirs or Assignes the iust sum of four hundered pounds of good and well Conditioned tobacco and Caske to bee payd at my now dwelling hows at or befor the 10th of Nouember next ensuing as witnes my hand this 6th of May 1664 Test George Thompson James Lendsey Gerrard Browne This bill bindeth mee Thomas Burdit of Charleses Countie my [p. 290] heirs Executors or Administrators to pay or Cause to bee payd unto Mr Edmund Custis of London Marchant and Cumpanie his or their heirs or Assignes the inst sum of one thowsand six hundered eighty and flue pounds of good and well Conditioned tobacco and Caske to bee payd at my now dwelling hows at or befor the 10th of Nouember next ensuing the daet hearof as witnes my hand this of May 1664 Test James Littellpage Tho: Burditt Edward Richardson |
Volume 53, Page 469 View pdf image (33K) |
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