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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.     399

     Combes and this my noat shall ingage mee to make you honest satis- Liber B
     faction in porke or what els who is your Reall f rind to use
     October 4th 1662                  Wm Batten

      Receaued of William Sandford for the use of my master Capt
     William Batten in nayles unto the iust quantitie of three hundered
     and forty pounds of marchantable porke and Caske I say Receaued
     October the 4th 1662              Jacob Janss
     Test Robert Sennet

     for which the Defendant Confeseth a judgment It is thearfor or
     dered that the defendant pay unto the Plantiue eight hundered pounds
     of tobacco and three hundered and forty pounds of porke out of
     the Estate of Capt: William Batten:

    John Tomkinson by Atturney The Plantiue Prefered his Peti
      Francis Batchelor Plantiue tion and the defendant not ap
    Anne haggate asAdministratrix to pearing the sheriffe Craueth a
      humphery Haggate defendant referance untill the next Court
     which is granted with prouiso that the sheriffe Produce her or her
     Atturney next Court or order to passe against the sheriffe

      Thomas Crackson entereth his marke of hogs and Cattell (Viz) [p. 178]
     Cropt on boath Eares and too slits in Each Eare beeing one slite
     aboue the Grope and the other slit under the Grope

     Mr John Meekes Plantiue  The Plantiue aresting the defendant
     An haggat as Administratrix to in an action of debt Prefered his
      humphery haggat Defendant Petition and the defendant not ap
     pearing the sheriff in her behalfe Craued a Referance which was
     granted with Prouiso that the Sheriffe Produce her or her Atturney
     next Court and to answer unto the plantiues suit otherways order
     to passe against the Sheriffe for the Plantiues demand:
     Mr John Meekes Plantiue  The Plantiue aresting the de
     An haggate as Administratrix  fendant in an action of Case
      to Humphery Haggat Defendant prefereth his Petition and the
     defendant not appearing the Sheriff in her behalfe Craueth a refer
     ance which was granted with prouiso that the Sheriffe Produce her
     or her Atturney next Court & to answer unto the Plantiues suit other
     ways order to passe against the Sheriffe for the Plantiues demand:

     John Cherman Plantiue The Plantiue aresting the defendant
     Mr Thomas Burdit Defendant in an action of debt and the defen
     dant riot appearing the Sheriffe Craueth a Referance which is granted
     with Prouiso that the Sheriffe Produce him or his Atturney the next
     Court to answer the plantiues suit otherways order to passe against
     the Sheriffe for the Plantiue demand:

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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