Volume 53, Page 392 View pdf image (33K) |
392 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. Liber B paer of briches and a paer of Canuise drawers a paer of oldmild stockings and an old shirt Read bearded and for his Age hee was so much disfigured that wee Coold not iudg Know all men by thees Presants that I Robert Taylor of Charleses County in the Prouince of Mariland doe sell and set ouer to John Neuill of the same place from mee my heirs and Executors to the sayd Neuill his heirs Executors and Assignes all my Right titell and interest to three hundered Acres of Land Lung at Chingamuckson which Land was formarly Layd out for Mr George Thompson and I doe by thees Presants bind my self or my heirs or Executors to deliuer to the sayd John Neuill a patten for the sayd Land and to acknowledge the sayle thearof to the sayd Neuill in Court according to law sumtime between this and the last of Nouember next insuing the daet hearof for a valewable Consideration alreadi Receaued wit- [p. 169] nes my hand this 15th of July 1663 this land is to bee Cleared of all arrearages of Rent to the sayd Neuill Robert + Taylor teste John Lewgar his marke Dauid Prichard Robert Taylor and his wife acknowledged this in open Court to bee thear voluntarie Act and deed July 28th Ao 1663 and also ac knowledge full satisfaction of 150 Acres which thay baught of John Wheeler unto John Neuill his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes for euer and also that it is thear free act and deed Joane Michell desireth thees ensuing depositions to bee Recorded The Euidence of James hays testifieth that Richard dod did aske boot of goodie Michell for his mayd Saruant because his saruant had longer to sarue then goodie Michels whearupon shee sayd shee woold not upon which thay agreed and maed a firme bargaine The Euidence of Elisabeth Dager testifieth that goodie Michell about the middell of Aprill sent a man to Richard Dod to aske him to Change a mayd saruant with her whearupon the sayd Michell Came along with francis ferenla whearupon the sayd Richard when hee came to goodie Michels went into the feeld to looke on the mayd Saruant and hee came in againe and sayd hee licked her very well and asked the woman wheather shee woold giue him any boote be cause his mayd had longer to sarue but the woman told him no if hee woold Change at euen hand shee woold whearupon thay maed a firme bargaine The Court is Adiourned till the 13th of October Ao 1663 William Codwell entereth his marke of hogs and Cattell (Viz) Cropt and slit in the Crope on the Right Eare and the left Eare whole |
Volume 53, Page 392 View pdf image (33K) |
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