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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 280   View pdf image (33K)
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                  280    Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666.

             Liber B The defendant hearupon prefereth his letter of Atturney as fol
                     Know all men by thees Presants that I humphery Haggat doe
                   Constitutute and Appoynt myLouing f rind Mr John Lewger my
                   trew and Lawfull Atturney to Craue a referance in an action Com
                   menced by Mt Francis pope and an action Commenced by Capt:
                   Richard Bancks and shal Ratifie and allow what my sayd Atturney
                   shall doe this Court as if I wear personally presant my self as witnes
                   this my hand this 3d of Nouember Ao 1662 Humphery Haggate
                   Testis George Thompson
                     Whearupon the defendant Craueth a referance which was granted:
                   whearupon the plantiue desired that Mr Francis Batchelor might
                   haue his oath giuen him in this caus which was also granted:

             [p. 10] Mr Francis Batchelor Aged 26 years or thear abouts sworne and
                   examined in open Court sayeth that hee receaued a bill of Mr Banckes
                   dew from Mr Haggate to the sayd bancks for 1000 lb of tobacco which
                   bill this deponant deliuered to dauid Prichard and hee gaue him order
                   to demand the tobacco and in case hee did not proscribe him a way of
                   payment to arest him and when dauid Returned to this deponant
                   againe hee asked him what was done in the precedant buisnes and hee
                   told him that Mr Haggat was not at horn and that hee had lost the bill
                   and further this deponant sayeth that nether hee nor any other person
                   for him receaued euer any satisfaction for it that this deponant know
                   eth of and further sayeth not:

                   Mr Thomas Burdit Plantiue The Plantiue aresting the defen
                   Mr Francis Batchelor defendantfdant in an action of the Case pre
                   fereth his petition as followeth:

                     To the Worshipfull Commissioners of Charleses Lountie the
                   humble petition of Thomas Burdit Sheweth
                     That whearas Mr Richard Rich Receaued of Mis Ane doughty
                   seauen siluer spoones and engaged to deliuer six siluer spoones
                   marked E B at his next Returne out of England and after his
                   ariua!l in this Prouince did acknowledge to haue braught six siluer
                   spoones for the aiorsayd Doughty but neuer deliuered them The
                   Premisses Considered your petitioner humbly Craueth Reliefe
                   against his Atturney Mr Francis Batchelor (whom your petitioner is
                   Credibly informed to haue the sayd spoones but refuses to deliuer
                   them unto your petitioner) with Cost and Charge of suit &c

                     And for the Confirmation of the sayd Petition the Plant: desireth
                   that Mis Ane Doughtie might haue her oath giuen her which was
                     Mis Ane Doughty Aged 42 years or thearabouts sworne and ex
                   amined in open Court sayeth that the spoones she sent home by Mr

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Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Volume 53, Page 280   View pdf image (33K)
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