Volume 53, Page 251 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 251 hauing a Bastard James Lee for hauing of too wifes John Grinly Liber A and Anne Stand fort for Saboth Breking and sum of Captayn fendalls saruants for Common saboth breakers, William Robisson and Thomas Hussey for suspected hogstealers: Mr Robert Sly the Administrator to William Empson doath in open Court Acknowledge to haue sould unto Richard Watson the too heyfers obtayned by Richard Dod of the sayd Watson which heyfors did belong unto William Empson William Barton Junior deiiuereth up this ensuing Pattent of land and Assigneth all his Right title and interest of and to the same unto his Brother in Law Thomas Smoote for the use of William hungerfot Junior son to William Hungarfot deceased Caecilius absolute Lord and Proprietarie of the Prouince of Man- land and Aualon Lord baron of baltemore &c to all persons to whom thees presants shall Gom greeting: in owr Lord god euer lasting know ye that wee for and in consideration that william smoot of this owr prouince hath due unto him too hundered and forty Acres of land Assigned him from John Lugar Junior as appeares upon Records and upon such Conditions and tearmes as are expressed in owr Conditions of Plantations of sayd Prouince of Mariland under owr greater scale at Armes Bareing date at London the second Day of July in the year of owr Lord God one thowsand six hundered forty nine and Remayn ing upon Record in owr sayd Prouince doe hearby grant unto the sayd William Smoot all that tract or parcel of Land Lung on the west side of Wicocomeko Riuer begining at a marked Oake stand ing near to the head of a Creeke Called forked Creeke Runing south west from the sayd Oake for the lenght of too hundered Perches bounding on the south with the land of Humphery Atwitcks and Thomas Michell and A line draw west north west for the lenght of one hundered perches to a marked oake standing on the hills on the west with a line drawne north north East for the lenght of too hundered and fifty Perches to a marked oake that intecepts A par- rare!! line drawne from the first Marked Oake at the head of the forked Greeke one the North with the sayd parrarell one the East with the forsayd southwest line Contayning and now layd out for too hundered and forty Acres More or lesse together with all profits Rits and benefits thearunto belonging (Royall mines Excepted) to haue and to hold the same unto him the sayd William Smoote his heirs and Assignes for Euer to bee holden of us and owr heirs as of own Mannor of St Maries in free and Common soccage by fealty only [p. 244] for All seruices yealding and paying thearfor yearly unto us and owr heirs at owr Receipt at St Maries at the too most usuall feast in the |
Volume 53, Page 251 View pdf image (33K) |
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