Volume 53, Page 216 View pdf image (33K) |
216 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. Liber A Planter hath too hundered acres of land dew to him in owr sayd prouince as appeareth upon record and according to the tenor of own articles under owr hand and seal baring date at Potchmouth in the Realme of England the 8th day of August 1636 Recorded in the secretaries office of owr sayd prouince doe hearby grant unto the sayd Richard Willin all that Parcell of land lung one the North sid of Patomake Riuer Caled Wicowomin about three leages to the nor- west of nangemie Creeke begining at a marked pokikerie runing south by the riuer sid from the sayd Pokicerie for the lenght of one hundered perches to a marked oake standing at a march Called Wil lins March bounded on the south with a line drawne East from the sayd march for the Lenght of too hundered and fiftie perches to a marked Oake standing in the woods one the East with a line drawne North from the end of the formar line untill it intersect a parrarell line drawne from the first Marked Pokicarie one the north with the sayd Parrarell one the west with the sayd Riuer Containing and now layd out for too hundered Acres bee it more or lesse togeather with all profits Right and benefits thearunto belonging Royall mines Ex cepted to haue and to howid the same to him the sayd Richard Willin his heirs and Assignes for euer to bee holden of us and owr heirs as of owr Mannor of West St Maries in free and Common sockage by fealtie onely for all seruices yealding and paying thearfor yearly to us and owr heirs at ow usuall Receipt four shillings in mony starling or too buchells of good Corne at the feast of the natiuitie of owr Lord giuen at St Maries under own great seale of own sayd Prouince of Mariland the fourteenth day of december in the year of owr lord one thowsand six hundered fiftie and three witnes ow liuetennant of owr sayd Prouince William Stone endossed on the bak side as followeth Thees Presants witneseth that I Richard Willan doe Assigne all my right title of this within specified to John Browne and Tho: Allonson their heirs or Assignes for euer as witnes my hand this 27 of October 1658 Elisabeth Willan Richard Willan Witnes Philip Caluert: George Reynolds German A Gillat: George C H Harris his mark his marke Thes Presants witneseth that I John Browne doe sell and assigne all my right title and interest of this Patten to Tho Allonson his heirs or Assignes for euer as witnes my hand this 4th day of aprill Ao 1659 John Browne Testes Thomas Simpson James Lindsey acknowledged by Mr Bradshow Atturney to the sayd browne as will appear more at large by his letter of Atturney following |
Volume 53, Page 216 View pdf image (33K) |
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