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20 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. Liber A Gils Glouer Plt Whearas one friday the 8th of October thear was Rich Trew Deft a Prouinciall Court held at Saynt Leonard in 66 Coluert Countie for the Prouince of Mariland from which this buis nes was sent downe to haue the opinione of this board. The Plant: Proouing that hee had payd seuerall debts of the defend: toward the Performing of a couenant mad between them for a Plantatione and land lung one the west sid of Wicokomeco Riuer in charleses Countie [p. 24] In the Prouince of Mariland thearfor it is the opinione of this board that the defendant shoold make good his couenant with the sayd Plantiue and that it haue it finall end at the Prouinciall Court Richard Trew Plantiue This buisnes hauing had an Audience Mr Hennerie Adames Deftfat th Prouinciall Court held the 8th of 67 October Ao 1658 at St Leonards in Coluert Countie for the Prouince January 18th of Mariland was sent douwne unto this Countie Court to bee heear A 1658 Executione hard and determined by reson that the defendant alleaged that hee was taken was as yet ignorant of any such debt as the Plantiue Claimed which was too thousand seauen hundered pounds of tob: which was dew had part of from Mr Thomas Greene (quondam Marilandiae Gubernator) üto this order Assigned Maior Thomas Caeley in Virginia and hauing now perused the sayd ouer unto Greenes accounts hath found and con fest the sayd debt: to bee Dew him by the Pantiue thearfor it is Ordered that the Plantiue Shoold bee payed the Sayd Richard debt out of Mr Tho: Greens Estate which is in the hands of Mr Hen nerie Addames & Mr James Langworth who wear left fefees in trust to the sayd Mr Greens Estate William Robison Plantiue The plantiue aresting the defendant in Hennerie Moore Defendant an actione of the case to the valew of 68 3000 lb of tob: and Caske the defendant alleging that the Plantiue had not performed his bangaine with him viclelicet by resone that hee had not deliuered unto the defend: a firme bill of Sayle for halfe his lande Lung one the East Side of Patomake Riuer at Portohacco Daniell Johnson aged 22 or thearabouts Sworne and Examined in open Court Sayeth that Somtime in the winter Ao 1657 biing desiered boath by the Plantiue and the Defendant to draw a bill of Sayle for the defen: for halfe that Seate of land aboue mentioned: which bee did but not making it firme unto the defend: his Heirs or Assignes for euer the Defendant thearupon denied to put his hand unto the accounts of the Plantiue, and further this Deponant Sayeth that hee hard the plantiue say that the nayles which hee baught of Mr Robert Sly hee woold make the defendant pay for the one hafe thearof and further sayeth not. The Plantiue Thearfor not beeing abell to proue any cause of his Actione it is thearfor ordered that the Plantiue Shoold bee non suted and pay the Cost and Charges of Sute |
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