Volume 53, Page 175 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662. 175 Know all men by thees Presants tht I Miles Cooke of Reddriffe Liber A Mariner do Constitute and Appoynt my wel beloued frind Zacharie Wade of Mariland Planter my Absolut trew and lawfull Atturney for mee and in my name to Aske demand sew for Recouer and Re ceiue all such debts as shall appear to bee dew to mee the sayd Miles Cooke and Thomas Griffech either by bill or booke of Accoumpts or any other wayes or meanes howeuer within the Prouince of Mariland and the same so Receaued to shipe or Cause to bee Shiped as by Aduice or as his discretion shall thincke good and Likewise I doe Authoris my sayd Atturney of Occasion bee to call to an accompt any other Atturney of mine in the sayd Prouince from and after the date of thees presants to the which I haue hear unto set my hand and seale this ninth day of Aprill in the yeare of owr Lord God 1661 Seigned Sealed and Deliuered Miles Cooke 0 in the Presance of us Robert Gowlan Curtis Fletcher Know all men by thees Presants tht wee Jobe Chandler of Charleses County in the Prouince of Mariland, and Symon Ouerseas of St Maries County in the Prouince aboue sayd do for owr selues owr heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes sell assigne and set ouer unto Alexander Simpson of Charleses Countie the Prouince aboue sayd or to his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes a parcell a parcell of land Lung one the west Sid of St Tho: Creeke formarly Called Portobacco next adioyning to the land formarly layd out to George Dolty and now in the Posession of the aboue sayd Alexander Simpson begining at the sayd Doltys Marked Ash and Runing North and bee East up the Creeke for breath of fluety and flue Pearches to a marked Pokikery by a fresh a run boundin on the north by a line drawne west and by north from the sayd Pokeekeri for lenght three hundered and twenty Perches one the west by a line drawne South and bee East from the End of the west and by north line untill it fall into the sayd Dolties Land one the South with the sayd Land on the East with the sayd Creeke Containing and now layd out for one hun dered and twentie Acres more or lesse with all right and Priuiledges in as ample manner as it is granted to us in owr pattent Excepting the Priui!edge of owr Mannor which wee the sayd Jobe Chandler & simon Ouersee doe resarue to us owr heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes bee the sayd Alexander Simpson or his heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes paying unto us at owr Mannor hows yearly or to owr heirs or Assignes at the usuall receipt of the Lord Proprietaries Rent the full and just some of tow shillings six pence starling mony in Consideration hearof wee the aboue sayd Jobe Chandler and Symon Ouersee doe bind owr selfues owr heirs Execu tors Administrators or Assignes that the sayd Alexander Simpson his heirs Executors Administrator or Assignes shal peaceably enioy |
Volume 53, Page 175 View pdf image (33K) |
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